Merchant Back Office



The Statistic assists to view data reports in table format based on selected search criteria. This is divided into 2 s, Search Option and Search Result.

Search Option is a form used to input search criteria of data. All fields on the Search Option form are optional. s can choose type search based on Service, Partner, Bank, or with a customized time range.

The second on this is Search Result that displays data search results based on inputted criteria from Search Option . Data from this will present after confirm data searching by pressing Search . Search result depends on selected field.


Statistic - Statistic
Statistic - Statistic

The Search Option consists of the search form used to search all data. The form consists of:




Search Type

The type of data statistic report wants to be search

Default: By Service

Dropdown option:

  • By Service (based on Service services)
  • By (based on )


Search statistic data specifically based on specific 

Able to choose Total or specific .


Search statistic data specifically based on specific /

Able to choose : Total or specific /



Default: Total -> all 

Trx Date

Transaction time in date and hour format

Default: today's date and 24 hour time interval

Trx Date (Within)

Transaction time interval Time settings can be directly determined between today, 1 week, or 1 month

Default: Today


Button to keywords entered by the for file to be ed

The file format will be ed in Excel format


Button to keywords entered by to search for data

Data search results will be displayed in Search Result 


Search Transaction Data


Here’s guidance for searching data.

  1. Open sidebar.
  2.  Statistic .
  3.  Statistic .
  4.  search term in Search Option .
  5.  Search to perform data searching .
  6. The searched data will appear in Search Result .
Result Option Statistic Back Office (BO)
Result Option Statistic Back Office (BO)

Download Transaction Data

Transaction Data Download Result.
Transaction Data Download Result.

Here’s guidance for ing data.

  1. Open sidebar.
  2.  Statistic .
  3.  Statistic .
  4.  search term in the Search Option .
  5.  Excel to data in Excel format.
  6. The searched data will automatically.

See also

 Merchant Back Office to learn about platform prepared by .

 Transaction to learn particular to manage and monitor .

 Discount Event to learn the particular for manage event.

 Settlement to learn particular for monitoring .