Notification - API QRIS SNAP
This API with SNAP standards uses to send payment transaction notifications on the QRIS payment method.
The following is guidance to proceed X-SIGNATURE validation on Request Header Notify:
SHA256withRSA (Public_Key, stringToSign) stringToSign = client_ID + “|” + X-TIMESTAMP
The following is the example of X-SIGNATURE result from the above guidance validation"
mYyscWBs00bm0TJQ/xY7Uu1Goh8qXJyYSlo88rFrhQ+mlyQkMtq NKMlZDpS+
Service Code | 52 |
API Endpoint | [merchant-domain]/api/v1.0/qr/qr-mpm-notif |
HTTP Method | POST |
Content-type | application/json |
Description | Transaction Result Notification (when success) If your system use firewall, add allow policy for NICEPAY IP |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Content-Type | String | Mandatory | Application / JSON |
X-TIMESTAMP | String | Mandatory | Using ISO 8601 as timestamp format. Transaction date time, in format YYYYMMDDTHH:mm:ss+07:00. Time must be in GMT+7 (Jakarta time). 2022-03-21T10:11:40+07:00. |
X-CLIENT-KEY | String | Mandatory | Unique Partner ID, Partner ID = Client ID |
X-SIGNATURE | String | Mandatory | Signature will be generated by Merchant. |
Parameter | Type | Length | Required | Description |
originalReferenceNo | String | 40 | Mandatory | Original transaction identifier on service provider system |
originalPartnerReferenceNo | String | 40 | Mandatory | Original transaction identifier on consumer system |
amount | Object | Variable | Mandatory | Amount of transaction |
value | String | 12 | Mandatory | Value |
currency | String | 3 | Mandatory | Currency |
latestTransactionStatus | String | 2 | Mandatory | Category code for the status of the transaction. Example : 00- Success 05- Cancelled |
transactionStatusDesc | String | 50 | Optional | Description status transaction |
externalStoreID | String | 32 | Mandatory | Unique identifier of shop id in client system |
additionalInfo | Object | Variable | Mandatory | Additional information |
transactionDateTime | String | 25 | Optional | Transaction Date Using ISO-8601 Format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS |
paymentTrxSn | Object | 32 | Mandatory | Payment Transaction Number from Acquiring side |
userId | String | 128 | Optional | QRIS User ID |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Content-Type | String | Mandatory | Application / JSON |
X-TIMESTAMP | String | Mandatory | Using ISO 8601 as timestamp format. Transaction date time, in format YYYYMMDDTHH:mm:ss+07:00. Time must be in GMT+7 (Jakarta time). 2022-03-21T10:11:40+07:00. |
Parameter | Type | Length | Required | Description |
responseCode | String | 7 | Mandatory | |
responseMessage | String | 150 | Mandatory | Response Message |