Registration - API E-Wallet (Direct Debit) SNAP
This API uses to request registration before executing payment using the E-Wallet payment method with Direct Debit Host to Host Feature based on the SNAP BI standard.
Please request the access token firsthand before doing the authentication through the Request Access Token API - SNAP section.
Service Code | 54 |
API Endpoint | |
HTTP Method | POST |
Description | Request Direct Debit transaction for authentication payment |
Content-type | application/json |
Parameter | Type | Length | Required | Description | Example |
Content-Type | String | 127 | Mandatory | Content type, value always application/json | |
Authorization | String | Variable | Mandatory | Bearer “accessToken” | |
X-TIMESTAMP | String | 25 | Mandatory | Using ISO 8601 as timestamp format. Transaction date time, in format YYYYMMDDTHH:mm:ss+07:00. Time must be in GMT+7 (Jakarta time). 2022-03-21T10:11:40+07:00. | |
X-SIGNATURE | String | Variable | Mandatory | Signature will be generated by Merchant. | |
X-PARTNER-ID | String | 20 | Mandatory | Unique Partner ID, Partner ID = Client ID | |
X-EXTERNAL-ID | String | 40 | Mandatory | Unique messaging Reference ID generated by Merchant. Numeric String. Reference number that should be unique in every transaction. | |
CHANNEL-ID | String | 5 | Mandatory | Unique Channel Merchant Credential ID Number. Client ID + "01" = Channel ID "IONPAYTEST" + "01" = "IONPAYTEST01" | IONPAYTEST01 |
Parameter | Type | Required | Length | Description or Example |
partnerReferenceNo | String | Mandatory | 40 | Transaction ID from Merchant |
merchantId | String | Mandatory | 10 | Merchant Identifier that is unique per each Merchant |
subMerchantId | String | Optional | 32 | Sub-Merchant Identifier |
externalStoreId | String | Optional | 32 | Unique Identifier of Shop ID in Client system |
amount | Array of JSON Object | Mandatory | Variable | Amount Information "amount":{ "value":"12345678.00", "currency":"IDR" }, |
value | String | Mandatory | 12 | Transaction amount, including thecents |
currency | String | Mandatory | 3 | Currency code based on ISO |
urlParam | Array of JSON Object | Mandatory | Variable | Notify URL that Merchant must send the payment notification "urlParam":[ {...}, {...} ] |
url | String | Mandatory | 512 | Indicates the URL of the Client’s app to redirect back to once payment has been completed in Merchant. Merchant accepts HTTP links and URL scheme formats. |
type | String | Mandatory | 32 | Indicates the type of the sent url. Only accepts ‘PAY_RETURN” and ‘PAY_NOTIFY” value |
isDeeplink | String | Mandatory | 1 | Indicates whether the URL is a deep link or not, only accepts ‘Y’ value |
validUpTo | String | Optional | 25 | The time when the payment will be automatic only expired. ISO 8601, in YYYY-MMDDTHH format. mm:ss+07:00. Time must be in GMT+7 (Jakarta time). |
pointOfInitiation | String | Optional | 20 | Used for getting more info regarding source of request of the User |
additionalInfo | Array of JSON Object | Optional | Variable | Additional information "additionalInfo":{...} |
mitraCd | String | Mandatory | 4 | Mitra Code - API SNAP Example: OVO: OVOE Link Aja: LINK DANA: DANA ShopeePay: ESHP |
goodsNm | String | Mandatory | 200 | Goods Name |
billingNm | String | Mandatory | 100 | Buyer Name |
billingPhone | String | Mandatory | 20 | Buyer Phone Number |
callBackUrl | String | Mandatory | 500 | Payment result forward URL (on browser) |
dbProcessUrl | String | Mandatory | 500 | Payment Notification URL (Async Notification) |
cartData | String | Mandatory | 4000 | {JSON_Format} |
msId | String | Optional | 20 | Merchant Seller ID |
msFee | String | Optional | 7 | Merchant Seller Fee |
msFeeType | String | Optional | 2 | Merchant Seller Fee Type |
mbFee | String | Optional | 7 | Merchant Balance Fee |
mbFeeType | String | Optional | 2 | Merchant Balance Fee Type |
Parameter | Type | Required | Length | Description or Example |
responseCode | String | Mandatory | 7 | Refer to General Response Code and Message - API SNAP list |
responseMessage | String | Mandatory | 150 | Refer to General Response Code and Message - API SNAP list |
partnerReferenceNo | String | Mandatory | 40 | Merchant transaction identifier |
referenceNo | String | Mandatory | 40 | Original transaction identifier on service provider system |
appRedirectUrl | String | Optional | 2048 | Returns an URL scheme to payment page in native app For ShopeePay, this value will be deprecated |
webRedirectUrl | String | Optional | 2048 | Partner checkout URL |
additionalInfo | String | Optional | Variable | Additional information "additionalInfo": { ...} |
redirectToken | String | Optional | 255 | Partner checkout token |