Check Status Transaction - API Virtual Account SNAP
This API with the SNAP standards uses by the Merchant to request status inquiry checking to NICEPAY.
Please request the access token firsthand before doing the authentication through the Request Access Token API - SNAP section.
Service Code | 26 |
API Endpoint | /api/v1.0/transfer-va/status |
Method | HTTP POST |
Description | to request status inquiry checking to NICEPAY |
Content-Type | application/json |
Parameter | Type | Length | Required | Description | Example |
Content-Type | String | | Mandatory | Application / JSON | |
Authorization | String | | Mandatory | Bearer “access_token” | |
X-TIMESTAMP | String | | Mandatory | Using ISO 8601 as timestamp format. Transaction date time, in format YYYYMMDDTHH:mm:ss+07:00. Time must be in GMT+7 (Jakarta time). 2022-03-21T10:11:40+07:00. | |
X-SIGNATURE | String | | Mandatory | Signature will be generated by Merchant. | |
X-PARTNER-ID | String | 20 | Mandatory | X-PARTNER-ID = CLIENT_ID | |
X-EXTERNAL-ID | String | 40 | Mandatory | Unique Reference Number (41807553358950093184) | |
CHANNEL-ID | String | | Mandatory | Unique Channel Merchant Credential ID Number. Client ID + "01" = Channel ID "IONPAYTEST" + "01" = "IONPAYTEST01" | IONPAYTEST01 |
For partnerServiceId and virtualAccountNo parameters can send with an empty value.
Parameter | Type | Length | Required | Description |
partnerServiceId | String | 20 | Mandatory | Partner Service ID / Prefix |
customerNo | String | 40 | Mandatory | Customer Number |
virtualAccountNo | String | 25 | Mandatory | Virtual Account Number |
inquiryRequestId | String | 128 | | The same value as X-EXTERNAL-ID |
additionalInfo | Object | | Mandatory | "additionalInfo": { "totalAmount": { ... }, ... } |
totalAmount | Object | | Mandatory | "totalAmount": { ... } |
value | String | 12 | Mandatory | Transaction Amount |
currency | String | 3 | Mandatory | Currency |
trxId | String | 40 | Mandatory | Reference Number from Merchant |
tXidVA | String | 30 | Mandatory | Transaction ID (Generated by NICEPAY) |
Parameter | Type | Length | Required | Description |
responseCode | String | | Mandatory | |
responseMessage | String | | Mandatory | Response Message |
virtualAccountData | Object | | Mandatory | |
partnerServiceId | String | 20 | Mandatory | Partner Service ID / Prefix |
customerNo | String | 40 | Mandatory | Customer Number |
virtualAccountNo | String | 25 | Mandatory | Virtual Account Number |
inquiryRequestId | String | 128 | Mandatory | The same value as X-EXTERNAL-ID |
totalAmount | Object | | Mandatory | |
value | String | 12 | Mandatory | Transaction Amount |
currency | String | 3 | Mandatory | Currency |
additionalInfo | Object | | Mandatory | |
bankCd | String | 4 | Mandatory | |
tXidVA | String
| 30
| Mandatory
| Transaction ID (Generated by NICEPAY) |
goodsNm | String | 200 | Mandatory | Goods Name |
vacctValidDt | String | 8 | Mandatory | Virtual Account Valid Date |
vacctValidTm | String | 6 | Mandatory | Virtual Account Valid Time |
virtualAccountName | String | 100 | Mandatory | Virtual Account Name |
trxId | String | 40 | Mandatory | Reference Number from Merchant |
transactionStatusDesc | String | | Mandatory | Transaction Status Description: Success Pending Refunded Canceled Failed |
latestTransactionStatus | String | | Mandatory | Latest Transaction Status: 00 - Success 03 - Pending 04 - Refunded 05 - Canceled 06 - Failed |