Payment - API Payloan
Through the Payloan payment method, NICEPAY offers you the convenience of cross-app payments (Jump App) for your Customers. Notifications will be sent to Customers in real-time as soon as the Customers complete payments. The Customer will receive notification regularly related to the loan request through NICEPAY Partner.
Payment Payloan aims to activate the Payloan payment method on Merchant, so Customers can proceed with payment transactions using Payloan on Merchant. This step uses to perform integration of the Merchant system with the NICEPAY system.
API End Point | /nicepay/direct/v2/payment |
Request Method | POST |
Description | Performs Transaction Regist to NICEPAY |
Merchant Token | SHA256(timeStamp+iMid+referenceNo+amt+merchantKey) |
Request Format | application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
The following is a list of parameters for performing the payment integration process for the Payloan payment method. This parameter uses in the API testing platform as one of the steps so the Merchant system can connect with the NICEPAY service.
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Example / Notes |
timeStamp Required | N | 14 | Request Timestamp (YYYYMMDDHH24MISS) | 20200910170911 |
tXid Required | AN | 30 | Transaction ID | IONPAYTEST01201804191202084760 |
merchantToken Required | AN | 255 | merchant Token | d27544e13fd9937be9fc5d99ba39a75344b0e6dd1c6c358c9858a94606a74c4e |
callBackUrl Required | ANS | 255 | Payment Result URL | |
Callback Handling obtained from Payloan payment method using URL. After Merchant call API on Payloan, then Merchant will be directed to the payment page on NICEPAY Partner application.
When Your callback already received callbackUrl, we recommended the Merchant to do the status verification using the Status Inquiry - API Payloan.
CallBack Handling is very important to minimize the Fraud act, we highly recommend the Merchant to do the verification using CallBack Handling
Only Confirm Receipt after the customer have received the item. Merchants are required to do this in order to receive settlement funds from completed transactions.
API End Point | /nicepay/api/direct/v2/confirmAkulaku |
Request Method | POST |
Description | Performs Receipt Confirmation for Fund Settlement. |
Merchant Token | SHA256(timeStamp+tXid+iMid+merchantKey) |
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Example / Notes |
timeStamp Required | N | 14 | Request Timestamp (YYYYMMDDHH24MISS) | 20170708123456 |
tXid Required | AN | 30 | Transaction ID | IONPAYTEST02201607291027025291 |
iMid Required | AN | 10 | Merchant ID | IONPAYTEST |
merchantToken Required | AN | 255 | merchant Token | 6cfccfc0046773c1b589d8e98f8 |
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Example / Notes |
resultCd Required | N | 4 | Result Code | |
resultMsg Required | AN | 30 | | |
ResponseData Required | AN | 255 | merchant Token | |