Error Code
Error Code is a list of error codes appear on resultCd in text or index format in different meaning. This contains error code list and its meaning.
Value | Description |
0000 | Success |
1001 | Connection error |
1002 | Socket error |
1003 | Server error |
1004 | Timeout error |
9501 | Invalid number |
9502 | Transaction not allowed |
9503 | It has been stopped or terminated in its stores |
9504 | No offus |
9505 | No |
9506 | No Paymethod |
9507 | Http timeout exception |
Value | Description |
8001 | Order registration error. |
8002 | Order inquiry error. |
8003 | Order registration data error. |
8004 | The tXid error during inquiry. |
8005 | OrderAuthType Response data null. |
9001 | Failed to register your . check your HTTP Message. |
9002 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9003 | Invalid Order. |
9004 | Error on inquiry of confirmation. |
9005 | Failed to check . contact for further . |
9006 | Transaction number generated error. |
9007 | Undefined: Amount. check your request and make sure [amt] is defined. |
9008 | Invalid Request Amount. Amount should only number and do not includes decimal. |
9009 | Reference Number already exist. generate unique [referenceNo]. |
9010 | Invalid Token. Contact for further . |
9011 | Invalid MID, is not registered. Contact for further . |
9012 | This method is currently not activated. Contact for further . |
9013 | Undefined: Currency Code. check your request and make sure [currencyCode] is defined. |
9014 | Undefined: Reference Number. check your request and make sure [referenceNo] is defined. |
9015 | Undefined: Goods Name. check your request and make sure [goodsNm] is defined. |
9016 | Undefined: Buyer Name. check your request and make sure [billingNm] is defined. |
9017 | Undefined: Buyer Phone Number. check your request and make sure [billingPhone] is defined. |
9018 | Undefined: Buyer E-mail Address. check your request and make sure [billingEmail] is defined. |
9019 | Undefined: Callback URL. check your request and make sure [callbackUrl] is defined. |
9020 | Undefined: Debit Process URL. check your request and make sure [dbProcessUrl] is defined. |
9021 | Failed in inquiring criterion (BO_MER_MGNT RD_NO_DUP_CHK_FLG). |
9022 | Invalid Card Data. check [cartData] , and make sure you send valid JSON format. |
9023 | Invalid Cart Data. Amount is different with Cart Data total amount. make sure [amt] = sum of [amt] in [cartData] |
9024 | Undefined: IP Address. check your request and make sure [userIP] is defined. |
9025 | Undefined: Buyer City. check your request and make sure [billingCity] is defined. |
9026 | Undefined: Buyer State. check your request and make sure [billingState] is defined. |
9027 | Undefined: Buyer Postal Code. check your request and make sure [billingPostCd] is defined. |
9028 | Undefined: Buyer Country. check your request and make sure [billingCountry] is defined. |
9029 | Installment is not available for defined month. |
9030 | Transaction Fail. check . |
9031 | Date/Time check. |
Value | Description |
8200 | One Pass inquiry error |
8201 | OnePass Token Duplicate |
8202 | OnePass Invalid Amount |
Value | Description |
8021 | Card authorization error. |
8022 | The tXid error during card authorization. |
8023 | The tXid error during card net cancel. |
8024 | The MID error during card net cancel. |
8026 | Failed card VISA 3D. |
8027 | Invalid Parameter (PAN or expiry or country_code). |
8028 | Invalid Parameter (callbackUrl) |
8029 | Invalid Parameter (onePassToken) |
8030 | Not Support Keyin . |
9101 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9102 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9103 | Error in inquiring card ledger. |
9104 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9105 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9106 | Transaction failed. |
9107 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9108 | This method is currently not activated. Contact for further . |
9109 | Reference Number Maximum Length Exceed. [referenceNo] should have maximum 40 characters length. |
9110 | Transaction failed. check card and try again. |
9111 | Transaction failed. check card and try again. |
9112 | Transaction failed. check card and try again. |
9113 | Transaction failed. check card and try again. |
9114 | MERCHANT_CARDINFO query error. |
9115 | Invalid Amount: too low. increase amount. |
9116 | Transaction already exist. make new . |
9117 | 3D Secure Failed. kindly check your card data and try again. |
9118 | Invalid Installment Type. |
9119 | Transaction failed: Invalid Terminal ID or ID |
9120 | Transaction failed: Invalid Terminal ID or ID |
9121 | This method is currently not activated. Contact for further . |
9122 | Transaction failed. check interval. |
9123 | Transaction failed. Transaction limit reached. |
9124 | Invalid Amount: too low. increase amount. |
9125 | Transaction failed. check card and try again. |
9126 | Transaction already approved. |
9127 | Transaction already exist. make new . |
9128 | Transaction failed. check card and try again. |
9129 | Transaction failed: Expired . make new . |
9130 | Forbidden. You do not have permission to access this resource. |
9131 | Invalid Token. check [onePassToken] . |
9132 | Transaction failed. check Risk Management. |
9133 | E-mail not sent. |
9134 | Card Recurring Token Failed. |
9135 | Card Recurring Auto Void Failed. |
9136 | Card Recurring Token Unregistration Failed. |
9137 | Card MIGS Transaction Number not found. (queryDR, vpc_DRExists : N) |
9138 | Card MIGS SecureHash not match. |
9139 | Card MIGS Amount not match. |
9140 | Recurring Parameter CVV code is mandatary. |
9141 | Recurring AuthType is '1' or '2'. |
9142 | Cards issued overseas can not be ed. |
9143 | Card PreAuth Token Failed. |
9144 | Card PreAuth Token Unregistration Failed. |
9145 | Capture amount must be less than pre-authorised amount. |
9146 | Failed to card token inquiry. |
9147 | Invalid s. |
9148 | Recurring Token is only available for 3Ds. |
9149 | Recurring Payment Use Check : Fail. |
9150 | Recurring Payment CVV Check : Fail. |
9151 | cardBin Information exist in blackList. |
9152 | FDS Check : high risk score. |
9153 | FDS Check : binCountry is not local card. |
9154 | Card daily limit count over. |
9155 | Card daily limit amount over. |
9156 | FDS Check : server communication error. |
9157 | There is no valid authentication data. make new . |
9158 | Card Holder Name is Mandatory. |
9159 | Transaction failed. contact . |
9160 | Invalid expired date format YYMM. |
9161 | Token not found. |
9162 | FDS Check : binCountry is not permit to . |
00 | Successful approval/completion or that V.I.P. PIN verification is valid. |
01 | Refer to card issuer. |
02 | Refer to card issuer, special condition. |
03 | Invalid or provider. |
04 | Pickup card. |
05 | Do not honor. |
06 | General Error. |
07 | Pickup card, special condition (other than lost/stolen card). |
08 | Honor with identification. |
09 | Request in progress. |
10 | Partial Approval. |
11 | V.I.P. approval. |
12 | Invalid . |
13 | Invalid amount (currency conversion field overflow) or amount exceeds maximum for card program. |
14 | Invalid account number (no such number). |
15 | No such issuer. |
16 | Insufficient funds. |
17 | cancellation. |
19 | Re-enter . |
20 | Invalid response. |
21 | No action taken (unable to back out prior ). |
22 | Suspected Malfunction. |
25 | Unable to locate record in file, or account number is missing from inquiry. |
28 | File is temporarily unavailable. |
30 | Format Error. |
41 | Pickup card (lost card). |
43 | Pickup card (stolen card). |
51 | Insufficient funds. |
52 | No checking account. |
53 | No savings account. |
54 | Expired card. |
55 | Incorrect PIN. |
57 | Transaction not permitted to cardholder. |
58 | Transaction not allowed at terminal. |
59 | Suspected fraud. |
61 | Activity amount limit exceeded. |
62 | Restricted card (for example, in Country Exclusion table). |
63 | Security violation. |
65 | Activity count limit exceeded. |
68 | Response received too late. |
75 | Allowable number of PIN - entry tries exceeded. |
76 | Unable to locate previous message (no match on Retrieval Reference number). |
77 | Previous message located for a repeat or reversal, but repeat or reversal data are inconsistent with original message. |
78 | ’Blocked, first used’ - The is from a new cardholder, and card has not been properly unblocked. |
80 | Visa s: credit issuer unavailable. Private label and check acceptance: Invalid date. |
81 | PIN cryptographic error found (error found by VIC security module during PIN decryption). |
82 | Negative CAM, dCVV, iCVV, or CVV results. |
83 | Unable to verify PIN. |
85 | No reason to decline a request for account number verification, address verification, CVV2 verification, or a credit voucher or merchandise return. |
91 | Issuer unavailable or switch inoperative (STIP not applicable or available for this transaction). |
92 | Destination cannot be found for routing. |
93 | Transaction cannot be completed, violation of law. |
94 | Duplicate Transmission. |
95 | Reconcile error. |
96 | System malfunction, System malfunction or certain field error conditions. |
B1 | Surcharge amount not permitted on Visa cards (U.S. acquirers only). |
N0 | Force STIP. |
N3 | Cash not available. |
N4 | Cashback request exceeds issuer limit. |
N7 | Decline for CVV2 failure. |
P2 | Invalid biller information. |
P5 | PIN Change/Unblock request declined. |
P6 | Unsafe PIN. |
Q1 | Stop Order. |
R0 | Stop Order. |
R1 | Revocation of Authorization Order. |
R3 | Revocation of All Authorizations Order. |
XA | Forward to issuer . |
XD | Forward to issuer. |
Z3 | Unable to go online. |
C101 | Error setting mandatory fields, TRANSACTION_TYPE is empty! |
C102 | Invalid value for TRANSACTION_TYPE! Acceptable Value : QUERY=1, SALES=2, AUTHORIZED=3, CAPTURE=4. |
C103 | This is not authorized, cannot to be captured. |
C104 | Error setting mandatory fields, MERCHANT_ACC_NO is empty! |
C105 | Invalid MERCHANT_ACC_NO! Unable to find with provided MERCHANT_ACC_NO. |
C106 | The of this MERCHANT_ACC_NO is suspended! All s are not allowed temporary. check with administrator for . |
C107 | The of this MERCHANT_ACC_NO is still pending and not yet activated. check with administrator for . |
C108 | The of this MERCHANT_ACC_NO is invalid! check setting. |
C109 | The setting of this MERCHANT_ACC_NO does not allow requested type. check setting. |
C110 | The setting of this MERCHANT_ACC_NO do not allow request from this IP address. checks merchant allow IP setting. |
C111 | Error setting mandatory fields, AMOUNT is empty! |
C112 | Invalid value for AMOUNT |
C113 | Error setting mandatory fields, CARD_NO is empty! |
C114 | Error setting mandatory fields, CARD_EXP_MM is empty! |
C115 | Error setting mandatory fields, CARD_EXP_YY is empty! |
C116 | Error setting mandatory fields, CARD_CVC is empty! |
C117 | Invalid value for CARD_NO. CARD_NO must be numeric and with valid length! |
C118 | Invalid value for CARD_EXP_MM. CARD_EXP_MM must be numeric and with valid length! |
C119 | Invalid value for CARD_EXP_YY. CARD_EXP_YY must be numeric and with valid length! |
C120 | Invalid value for CARD_CVC. CARD_CVC must be numeric and with valid length! |
C121 | Invalid . call to check Settings. |
C122 | Amount has been over limit for today. call to check Settings. |
C123 | Transaction not permitted through this type. call to check Settings. |
C124 | Undefined Error. Error Code:1024 |
C301 | Error setting mandatory fields, TRANSACTION_ID is empty! TRANSACTION_ID is required for CAPTURE type. |
C302 | Error setting mandatory fields, RETURN_URL is empty! |
C303 | Error setting mandatory fields, RESPONSE_TYPE is empty! |
C304 | Error setting mandatory fields, TXN_URL is Null for RESPONSE_TYPE using HTTP! |
C305 | Invalid value for RESPONSE_TYPE for non-3D ! Acceptable Value : HTTP, XML, PLAIN. |
C306 | Error setting mandatory fields, TXN_SIGNATURE is empty! |
C307 | Invalid value for TXN_SIGNATURE! Computed signature does not match one included in request. |
C308 | Invalid format for TXN_SIGNATURE! TXN_SIGNATURE must be length of 32, and in hexadecimal format. |
C309 | Unable to find record! |
C310 | MERCHANT_ACC_NO not matched with previous submitted request! To capture/query previous , please ensure MERCHANT_ACC_NO is same MERCHANT_ACC_NO submitted during previous . |
C311 | AMOUNT not matched with previous submitted request! To capture/query previous , please ensure AMOUNT is same AMOUNT submitted during previous . |
C312 | CUSTOMER_ID not matched with previous submitted request! To capture/query previous , if this field is being used, please ensure CUSTOMER_ID is same CUSTOMER_ID submitted during previous . |
C313 | MERCHANT_TRANID not matched with previous submitted request! To capture/query previous , please ensure MERCHANT_TRANID is same MERCHANT_TRANID submitted during previous . |
C314 | Insecure mode for RETURN_URL. specify an URL which uses HTTPS protocol! |
C315 | Insecure mode for TXN_URL. specify an URL which uses HTTPS protocol! |
C401 | Error setting mandatory fields, CARD_HOLDER_NAME is empty! |
C402 | Error setting mandatory fields, MERCHANT_TRANID is empty! |
C403 | Duplicate MERCHANT_TRANID detected! ensure MERCHANT_TRANID is always unique. |
C404 | Error setting mandatory fields, TXN_DESC is empty! |
C405 | Error setting mandatory fields for 3D , MPI_CODE is empty! |
C406 | Error setting mandatory fields for 3D , MPI_CAVV is empty! |
C407 | Error setting mandatory fields for 3D , MPI_CAVV_ALG is empty! |
C408 | Error setting mandatory fields for 3D , MPI_ECI is empty! |
C409 | Error setting mandatory fields for 3D , MPI_MSG is empty! |
C501 | Error setting mandatory fields for fraud risk detection, FR_HIGHRISK_EMAIL is empty! |
C502 | Error setting mandatory fields for fraud risk detection, FR_HIGHRISK_COUNTRY is empty! |
C503 | Error setting mandatory fields for fraud risk detection, FR_BILLING_ADDRESS is empty! |
C504 | Error setting mandatory fields for fraud risk detection, FR_SHIPPING_ADDRESS is empty! |
C505 | Error setting mandatory fields for fraud risk detection, FR_SHIPPING_COST is empty! |
C506 | Error setting mandatory fields for fraud risk detection, CUSTOMER_IP is empty! |
C507 | Error setting mandatory fields for fraud risk detection, FR_PURCHASE_HOUR is empty! |
C508 | Transaction was blocked due to fraud level exceeded threshold limit. |
C509 | Transaction was blocked due to blacklisted card detected. |
C601 | Unable to get connection to MPI Server! |
C602 | Time out occurred during communication with MPI Server! |
C603 | Unable to update MPI Ref. Number in . try again. |
C604 | There was an error occurred during 3D authentication with MPI. check logs for details. |
C605 | Invalid message or response received from MPI. try again. |
C606 | MPI Settings are not configured correctly. check MPI_HOST and MPI_PORT in configuration. |
C607 | Error occurred when trying to display ACS Form in web browser for 3D authentication. try again. |
C608 | Problem occurred on MPI side, cannot proceed to display ACS Form. check MPI message or try again. |
C609 | Unable to locate back to update after 3-D authentication . try again. |
C610 | Empty response received from MPI, please try again. |
C611 | MPI Code received is not allowed to to . |
C612 | Transaction was aborted because 3-D authentication is not completed. |
C613 | Attempted duplicate submission of 3-D authentication result. try with new . |
C614 | MALL NAME is required for 3-D . call to check Settings. |
C615 | MALL URL is required for 3-D . call to check Settings. |
C616 | Invalid value for RESPONSE_TYPE for 3D ! Acceptable Value : HTTP only. |
C801 | This MERCHANT_ACC_NO is not authorized to with this via website! check setting. |
C802 | This MERCHANT_ACC_NO is not authorized to with this via batch upload! check setting. |
C803 | Exception while query Server! |
C804 | Exception while checking for fraud risk! |
C999 | Internal Exception. call to report. |
C988 | Server Time Out Exception. |
C977 | Connection Error! |
C966 | Reply from is empty/incorrect! |
C967 | Bank rejected ! |
C955 | Error when trying to insert table. Transaction ID is empty! |
C933 | Server interruption occurred during processing. Manual checking required. inform Administrator. |
C935 | Cancel by . |
C937 | Insufficient point to redeem in cardholder's account. enter another card number. |
1 | Transaction could not be ed. |
2 | Transaction Declined - Contact Issuing. |
3 | Transaction Declined - No reply from . |
4 | Transaction Declined - Expired Card. |
5 | Transaction Declined - Insufficient credit. |
6 | Transaction Declined - error. |
7 | Server Processing Error - Typically caused by invalid input data such as an invalid number. Processing errors can also occur. (This is only relevant for Servers that enforce uniqueness of this field) Processing errors can also occur. |
8 | Transaction Declined - Transaction Type Not Supported. |
9 | Declined Transaction (Do not contact ). |
A | Transaction Aborted. |
B | Transaction Blocked - Returned. |
C | Transaction Cancelled. |
D | Deferred Transaction. |
E | Transaction Declined - Refer to card issuer. |
F | 3D Secure Authentication Failed. |
I | Card Security Code Failed. |
L | Shopping Transaction Locked (This indicates that there is another taking place using same shopping number). |
N | Cardholder is not enrolled in 3D Secure (Authentication Only). |
P | Transaction is Pending. |
R | Retry Limits Exceeded, Transaction Not Processed. |
T | Address Verification Failed. |
U | Card Security Code Failed. |
V | Address Verification and Card Security Code Failed. |
Value | Description |
8041 | registration error |
8042 | The tXid error during registration. |
8045 | requestVacctCustomerInquiryAPI is null. |
9201 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9202 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9203 | Failed to generate . Pool is empty or reached maximum. |
9204 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9205 | Failed to generate . Invalid . |
9206 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9207 | Reference Number Maximum Length Exceed. [referenceNo] should have maximum 40 characters length. |
9208 | Error in non-usage of criterion . |
9209 | The amount is too small. |
9210 | Error in expiration date of deposit, expiration time for deposit, and inclusion of letters. |
9211 | Expiration date and time for deposit length is not valid. |
9212 | Error of check for ID, . |
9213 | TB_TRANS_HISTORY registration error. |
9214 | Failed in inquiring interval. |
9215 | Order number redundancy check (TB_MOID_VERIFY) updates error. |
9216 | failure ledger (TB_VACCT_FAIL) registration error. |
9217 | Order number redundancy check (TB_MOID_VERIFY) delete error. |
9218 | ledger inquiry failure. |
9219 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9220 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9221 | Error in non-usage of criterion (VACCT_SET). |
9222 | Error in non-usage of criterion (VACCT_CONT). |
9223 | Invalid ID. |
9224 | Error of check for customerId. |
9225 | Invalid Token. Contact for further . |
9226 | VacctNo is exceeded limit digit. |
9227 | DB insert error. |
9228 | Transaction not found. |
9229 | Fix account accountType error. |
9230 | Not exist customerId. |
9231 | Data is null error. |
9232 | iMid is exist. |
9233 | vacctNo is duplicate. |
9234 | customerId already exist. |
9235 | Invalid name. |
9236 | Try check date. |
9237 | Invalid BankCd. |
Value | Description |
8061 | Full canceled error. |
8062 | Partial canceled error. |
8063 | The MID error during full cancel. |
8064 | The tXID error during full cancel. |
8065 | The MID error during partial cancel. |
8066 | The tXID error during partial cancel. |
8067 | The amount error during partial cancel. |
8090 | Net canceled error. |
9301 | Invalid Cancel Type. |
9302 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9303 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9304 | TB_TRANS_HISTORY update error. |
9305 | Ledger card registration error. |
9306 | Ledger partial cancel registration error. |
9307 | Cards query error. |
9308 | Database connection error. |
9309 | connection error. |
9310 | TB_TRANS HISTORY registration error. |
9311 | Transaction number generated error. |
9312 | No cancellation amount or cancellation amount includes letter. |
9313 | Partial cancellation is only possible Mandiri. |
9314 | Can not cancel your request number. |
9315 | Cancel Ledger duplicate registration error. |
9316 | code duplication errors. |
9317 | Mandiri is available once a partial canceled. |
9318 | can not request to cancel. |
9319 | The amount you entered is larger than amount you want to cancel. |
9320 | Can not cancel entire data already partially canceled. |
9321 | fill in requested amount greater than zero. |
9322 | (CARD_BIN) query fail. |
9323 | (Merchant_INFO) query fail. |
9324 | MERCHANT_CARDINFO query error. |
9325 | B_MID,B_TID query error. |
9326 | It can not be canceled after purchase. |
9327 | It can not be partial cancelation before purchase. |
9328 | The can not be canceled (Void Risk Check). |
9329 | The can not be partial cancelation (Void Risk Check). |
9330 | deposit has been completed can not be canceled. |
9331 | The can not be canceled. |
9332 | The can not be partial cancellation. |
9333 | The can not be cancellation. (Debt cancellation prevent restrictions) |
9334 | Cancellation period exceeds(limit 90 days). |
Value | Description |
9501 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9502 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9503 | Failed to generate CVS Number. Pool is empty or reached maximum. |
9504 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9505 | Failed to generate . Invalid CVS. |
9506 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9507 | Reference Number Maximum Length Exceed. [referenceNo] should have maximum 40 characters length. |
9508 | Error in non-usage of criterion . |
9509 | The amount is too small. |
9510 | Error in expiration date of deposit, expiration time for deposit, and inclusion of letters. |
9511 | Expiration date and time for deposit length is not valid. |
9512 | Error of check for ID, . |
9513 | TB_TRANS_HISTORY registration error. |
9514 | Failed in inquiring interval. |
9515 | Order number redundancy check (TB_MOID_VERIFY) updates error. |
9516 | CVS Number failure ledger (TB_CVS_FAIL) registration error. |
9517 | Order number redundancy check (TB_MOID_VERIFY) delete error. |
9518 | CVS ledger inquiry failure. |
9519 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9520 | Server is busy. kindly try again in few minutes. |
9521 | Error in non-usage of criterion (CVS_SET). |
9522 | Error in non-usage of criterion (MITRA_CONT). |
9523 | Invalid { ID. |
9524 | Error of check for customerId. |
9525 | Invalid Token. Contact for further . |
9526 | CVS Number is exceeded limit digit. |
9527 | DB insert error. |
9528 | Transaction not found. |
9529 | Fix account accountType error. |
9530 | Not exist customerId. |
9531 | Data is null error. |
9532 | iMid is exist. |
9533 | CVS Number is duplicate. |
9534 | customerId already exist. |
9535 | Invalid name. |
9536 | Try check date. |
Value | Description |
9750 | Generate ID Fail. |
9751 | Invalid Parameter. |
9752 | Fail. |
Value | Description |
9801 | Generate ID Fail. |
9802 | Invalid Parameter. |
9803 | Fail. |
9804 | Invalid Token. |
9805 | Invalid Card Number. |
9806 | Transaction Fail. |
9807 | Transaction Reversal Fail. |
9808 | TXID is duplicate. |
9809 | Failed in inquiring settlement interval. |
9810 | Other error. |
Value | Description |
0000 | Success. |
1001 | Connection error. |
1002 | Socket error. |
1003 | Server error. |
1004 | Timeout error. |
4001 | Transaction Failed. contact for further . |
9507 | Http timeout exception. |
SR01 | format error/undefined : [timestamp]. check your request and try again. |
SR02 | format error/undefined : [iMid]. check your request and try again. |
SR03 | format error/undefined : [smsType]. check your request and try again. |
SR04 | format error/undefined : [reservedFlag]. check your request and try again. |
SR05 | format error/undefined : [reserveDt or reserveTm ]. check your request and try again. |
SR06 | format error/undefined : [msgRefno]. check your request and try again. |
SR07 | format error/undefined : [recipientNo]. check your request and try again. |
SR08 | format error/undefined : [smsMsg]. check your request and try again. |
SR09 | format error/undefined : [dbProcessUrl]. check your request and try again. |
SR10 | format error/undefined : [reqNm]. check your request and try again. |
SR11 | format error/undefined : [sender]. check your request and try again. |
SR12 | format error/undefined : [merchantToken]. check your request and try again. |
SR13 | format error/undefined : [tXid]. check your request and try again. |
SE01 | Common Validation Regis Data. |
SE02 | SMS Type Not Found. |
SE03 | Not Enough Balance, Check Balance. |
SE04 | Reserve Flag Not Allowed When Type is OTP. |
SE05 | Data Not Found, Check Your Request Information. |
SE06 | reserveDt or reserveTm Must be Filled When is Reserved. |
SE07 | reserveFlag Should be 0 or 1. |
SE08 | Message Length too Long. |
SE09 | Message Character Invalid [Alphabets (Lowercase, Uppercase), Numbers][!@$*()-+&_ |
SE10 | Token Error. |
SE11 | Message Character % Must Followed with Space. |
SE12 | Cancel Only for when is Reserved. |
SE13 | Operator Not Found, Check recipientNo. |
SE14 | ReservedDt Expired, Must be H+1. |
SE15 | Sender Not Found. |
SE16 | Registration Failed, Internal Server Error. |