Credit Card - V1 Enterprise
Transaction flow :
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Example Value |
iMid Required | AN | 10 | IONPAYTEST | |
merchantToken Required | AN | 255 | f5d1a08fd497bf3f39e9a0027c0a6822109903cd95140c36db537b5977fb9652 | |
cardNo Required | N | 16 | Card Number | 5123450000000008 |
cardExpYYmm Required | N | 4 | Card expiry (YYMM) | 3901 |
cardHolderNm Required | AN | 45 | Card Holder Name | John Doe |
cardHolderEmail Required | ANS | 100 | Card Holder Email | |
amt Required | N | 12 | 10000 | |
referenceNo Required | ANS | 40 | MerchantReferenceNumber001 | |
instmntType | N | 2 | 1 | |
instmntMon | N | 2 | Installment Month | 1 |
Parameter | Type | Size | Description |
resultCd | N | 4 | Result Code |
resultMsg | AN | 255 | |
cardToken | AN | 64 | One Time Use Transaction Token |
paymentType | N | 1 | CC Authorization Type |
paymentType | Description |
1 | 3D Secure |
2 | KeyIn (Proceed to Registration without 3Ds/MIGS) |
3 | MiGS |
3Ds Steps:
Parameter | Type | Size | Description |
resultCd | N | 4 | Result Code |
resultMsg | AN | 255 | |
referenceNo | ANS | 40 | |
merchantToken | AN | 255 |
MiGS (MasterCard Internet Gateway Service) is a from Mastercard to refund and monitor report based on between and .
Use this API if get paymentType = 3 from response .
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Example |
instmntType Required | N | 2 | 1 | |
instmntMon | N | 2 | Installment Month | 1 |
referenceNo Required | ANS | 40 | MerchantReferenceNumber001 | |
cardCvv | N | 3 | Card CVV | 100 |
callbackUrl Required | ANS | 200 | Callback URL for result | |
onePassToken Required | AN | 64 | One Time Use Transaction Token | d12b153b3dd50b1875e64ac17288a7cd33fd5511cf01924cac2ca7f345de8f08 |
Parameter | Type | Size | Description |
resultCd | N | 4 | Result Code |
resultMsg | AN | 255 |
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Example / Notes |
iMid Required | AN | 2 | IONPAYTEST | |
payMethod Required | N | 2 | 01 | |
currency Required | A | 40 | Currency | IDR |
amt Required | N | 12 | Goods Amount | 10000 |
referenceNo Required | ANS | 40 | MerchantReferenceNumber001 | |
goodsNm Required | AN | 100 | Goods Name | |
billingNm Required | A | 30 | Billing Name | John Doe |
billingPhone Required | N | 15 | Billing Phone Number | 08123456789 |
billingEmail Required | ANS | 40 | Billing E-mail | |
billingCity Required | N | 50 | Billing City | South Jakarta |
billingState Required | A | 50 | Billing State | DKI Jakarta |
billingPostCd Required | N | 10 | Billing Post Number | 10200 |
billingCountry Required | A | 10 | Billing Country | |
callBackUrl Required | ANS | 255 | | |
dbProcessUrl Required | ANS | 255 | | |
description Required | AN | 100 | Description | This Is The Description Of The Payment |
merchantToken Required | AN | 255 | 2349fcbd3a5b81d08ca719cc6d9c826f2f6f9d4de337b86e4019114aad6222b1 | |
userIP Required | ANS | 15 | User IP | |
cartData Required | ANS | 4000 | Cart Data (JSON Format) | {} |
instmntType Required | N | 2 | 1 | |
instmntMon Required | N | 2 | Installment Month | 1 |
cardCvv | N | 3 | Card CVV | 100 |
onePassToken Required | AN | | One Time Use Transaction Token | 9338d54573688ae18e175240b0257de48d89c6ef1c9c7b5c094dc4beed9e435f |
recurrOpt Required For Recurring CC | N | 2 | 0 Automatic Cancel 1 Do not cancel 2 Do not make token | 1 |
billingAddr | AN | 255 | Billing Address | Jln.Raya Kasablanka Kav.88 |
deliveryNm | A | 30 | Delivery Name | |
deliveryPhone | N | 15 | Delivery Phone | 08123456789 |
deliveryAddr | AN | 100 | Delivery Address | Jln.Dr. Saharjo No.88 |
deliveryEmail | AN | 100 | Delivery E-mail | |
deliveryCity | A | 50 | Delivery City | South Jakarta |
deliveryState | A | 50 | Delivery State | DKI Jakarta |
deliveryPostCd | N | 10 | Delivery Post Number | 10201 |
deliveryCountry | A | A | Delivery Country | |
vat | N | 12 | Vat | 0 |
fee | N | 12 | Service Tax | 0 |
notaxAmt | N | 12 | Tax Free Amount | 0 |
reqDt | N | N | Request Date (YYYYMMDD) | 20230516 |
reqTm | N | N | Request Time (HH24MISS) | 135959 |
reqDomain | ANS | 100 | Request Domain | |
reqServerIP | ANS | 15 | Request Server IP | |
reqClientVer | ANS | 50 | Request Client Version | 1.0 |
userSessionID | AN | 100 | User Session ID | userSessionID |
userAgent | ANS | 100 | User Agent Information | Mozilla |
userLanguage | ANS | 2 | User Language | en-US |
Parameter | Type | Size | Description |
resultCd | N | 4 | Result Code |
resultMsg | AN | 255 | |
tXid | AN | 30 | Transaction ID |
referenceNo | ANS | 40 | |
payMethod | N | 2 | |
amount | N | 12 | Transaction Amount |
currency | AN | 3 | Currency |
goodsNm | N | 100 | Goods Name |
billingNm | N | 30 | Buyer Name |
transDt | N | 8 | Transaction Date (YYYYMMDD) |
transTm | N | 6 | Transaction Time (HH24MISS) |
description | AN | 100 | Transaction Description |
callbackUrl | ANS | 100 | Callback URL |
authNo | N | 10 | Authorization Number |
issuBankCd | A | 4 | |
issuBankNm | A | 255 | |
acquBankCd | A | 4 | |
acquBankNm | A | 255 | |
cardNo | ANS | 20 | Card Number (Masked) |
instmntMon | N | 2 | Installment Month |
instmntType | N | 2 | Installment Type |
recurringToken | AN | 64 | |
preauthToken | AN | 64 | |
ccTransType | N | 2 | |
vat | N | 12 | Vat Number |
fee | N | 12 | Service Fee |
notaxAmt | N | 12 | Tax Free Amount |
When signs contract as Recurring, give a RecurringToken to Response. The can use RecurringToken for next Request without input card detail, except cardCVV (Mandatory).
To do Recurring , need recurringToken own from to use continuously without reinputting card data multiple times. recurringToken receives after s initial . Following are steps to get recurringToken .
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Example / Notes |
amt Required | N | 12 | Amount | 10000 |
referenceNo Required | AN | 40 | MerchantReferenceNumber001 | |
merchantToken Required | AN | 255 | baf19eaed10d8539498cbe06ed19c50a60a587416d9c980abbb3c06b4eee51f5 | |
iMid Required | AN | 10 | IONPAYTEST | |
recurringToken Required | AN | 100 | Recurring Token | 88cb7e30c531429a95fb2af442f591b75939fd0387288af2dc2340c50776d84a |
instmntType Required | AN | 2 | 1 | |
instmntMon Required | N | 2 | Installment Month | 1 |
cardHolderNm Required | AN | 45 | Card Holder Name | John Doe |
cardHolderEmail Required | ANS | 100 | Card Holder Email |
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Remark |
resultCd | N | 4 | Result Code | 0000 |
resultMsg | AN | 255 | SUCCESS | |
cardToken | AN | 64 | Recurring Token | c954f03ef83a363f94fa26bef6ec4d08fa7693590a735386fcce6e2ef1caae8a |
paymentType | AN | 1 | |
After get recurringToken from initial success or result from card registration , will use that recurringToken to execute next schedule. Following is steps on using recurringToken.
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Example / Notes |
iMid Required | AN | 2 | IONPAYTEST | |
payMethod Required | N | 2 | 01 | |
currency Required | A | 40 | Currency | IDR |
amt Required | N | 12 | Goods Amount | 10000 |
referenceNo Required | ANS | 40 | MerchantReferenceNumber001 | |
goodsNm Required | AN | 100 | Goods Name | |
billingNm Required | A | 30 | Billing Name | John Doe |
billingPhone Required | N | 15 | Billing Phone Number | 08123456789 |
billingEmail Required | ANS | 40 | Billing E-mail | |
billingCity Required | N | 50 | Billing City | South Jakarta |
billingState Required | A | 50 | Billing State | DKI Jakarta |
billingPostCd Required | N | 10 | Billing Post Number | 10200 |
billingCountry Required | A | 10 | Billing Country | |
callBackUrl Required | ANS | 255 | | |
dbProcessUrl Required | ANS | 255 | | |
description Required | AN | 100 | Description | |
merchantToken Required | AN | 255 | 2349fcbd3a5b81d08ca719cc6d9c826f2f6f9d4de337b86e4019114aad6222b1 | |
userIP Required | ANS | 15 | User IP | |
cartData Required | ANS | 4000 | Cart Data (JSON Format) | {} |
instmntType Required | N | 2 | 1 | |
instmntMon Required | N | 2 | Installment Month | 1 |
cardCvv | N | 3 | Card CVV | 100 |
recurringToken Required | AN | 64 | Recurring Token | 88cb7e30c531429a95fb2af442f591b75939fd0387288af2dc2340c50776d84a |
recurrOpt Required For Recurring CC | N | 2 | 0 Automatic Cancel 1 Do not cancel 2 Do not make token | 1 |
billingAddr | AN | 255 | Billing Address | Jln.Raya Kasablanka Kav.88 |
deliveryNm | A | 30 | Delivery Name | |
deliveryPhone | N | 15 | Delivery Phone | 08123456789 |
deliveryAddr | AN | 100 | Delivery Address | Jln.Dr. Saharjo No.88 |
deliveryEmail | ANS | 100 | Delivery E-mail | |
deliveryCity | A | 50 | Delivery City | South Jakarta |
deliveryState | A | 50 | Delivery State | DKI Jakarta |
deliveryPostCd | N | 10 | Delivery Post Number | 10201 |
deliveryCountry | A | A | Delivery Country | |
vat | N | 12 | Vat | 0 |
fee | N | 12 | Service Tax | 0 |
notaxAmt | N | 12 | Tax Free Amount |