Registration - API QRIS SNAP
API dengan standar SNAP ini digunakan untuk mengajukan pendaftaran pesanan sebelum melakukan pembayaran menggunakan metode pembayaran QRIS.
Silakan mengajukan akses token terlebih dahulu untuk melakukan autentikasi melalui bagian Request Access Token API - SNAP.
Service Code | 47 |
API Endpoint | /api/v1.0/qr/qr-mpm-generate |
HTTP Method | POST |
Description | Merchant Request Registration API QRIS |
Content-type | application/json |
Nama Parameter Header | Tipe | Kebutuhan | Deskripsi | Contoh |
Content-Type | String (127) | Mandatory | Type of the content. | Application/Json |
X-TIMESTAMP | String (25) | Mandatory | Using ISO 8601 as timestamp format. Transaction date time, in format YYYYMMDDTHH:mm:ss+07:00. Time must be in GMT+7 (Jakarta time). 2022-03-21T10:11:40+07:00. | |
Authorization | String (Variable) | Mandatory | "Bearer" + {access_token} | |
X-SIGNATURE | String (Variable) | Mandatory | Signature will be generated by Merchant. | |
X-PARTNER-ID | String (20) | Mandatory | NICEPAY Client ID (MID) | IONPAYTEST |
X-EXTERNAL-ID | String (40) | Mandatory | Unique messaging Reference ID generated by Merchant. Numeric String. Reference number that should be unique in every transaction in One Day. | |
CHANNEL-ID | String (20) | Mandatory | Unique Channel Merchant Credential ID Number. Client ID + "01" = Channel ID "IONPAYTEST" + "01" = "IONPAYTEST01" | IONPAYTEST01 |
Nama Parameter BI | Tipe Parameter | Kebutuhan | Parameter NICEPAY | Deskripsi | Contoh |
partnerReferenceNo | String (40) | Mandatory | referenceNo | Unique Transaction ID from Merchant | OrdNo20230303001 |
amount | Object | Mandatory | - | "amount": { "value":"100", "currency":"IDR" } | - |
value | String (12) | Mandatory | amt | Transaction Amount Note: Amount Format, currently only supported IDR (Indonesian Currency Rupiah) then value includes 2 decimal digits which are seperated by a dot (.) | 10000.00 |
currency | String (3) | Mandatory | currency | Default Value: IDR | IDR |
merchantId | String (10) | Mandatory | iMid | Merchant Identifier | |
storeId | String (32) | Mandatory | storeCd / shopId | Merchant ID from Acquirer Pay Side | |
validityPeriod | String (25) | Mandatory | paymentExpDt paymentExpTm | Set Default: 5 minutes Maximum: 20 minutes Using ISO 8601 Timestamp Format | |
additionalInfo | Object | Mandatory | - | "additionalInfo": { ..., "cartData":"{...}", "mitraCd":"QSHP" } | - |
- goodsNm | String (200) | Mandatory | - | Goods Name | |
- billingNm | String (100) | Mandatory | - | Buyer Name | |
- billingPhone | String (20) | Mandatory | - | Buyer Phone Number | |
- billingEmail | String (100) | Mandatory | - | Buyer Email | |
- billingCity | String (50) | Mandatory | | Buyer City | |
- billingState | String (50) | Mandatory | - | Buyer State | |
- billingPostCd | String (10) | Mandatory | - | Buyer Post Number | |
- billingCountry | String (10) | Mandatory | - | Buyer Country | |
- callBackUrl | String (500) | Conditional | - | | |
- dbProcessUrl | String (500) | Mandatory | - | Payment Notification URL (Async Notification) | |
- userIP | String (64) | Mandatory | - | User IP (Customer) | |
- cartData | String (4000) | Mandatory | - | JSON String "cartData":"{...}" | |
- mitraCd | String (4) | Mandatory | - | | |
- msId | String (20) | Optional | - | Merchant Seller ID | |
- msFee | String (7) | Optional | - | Merchant Seller Fee | |
- msFeeType | String (2) | Optional | - | Merchant Seller Fee Type | |
- mbFee | String (7) | Optional | - | Merchant Balance Fee | |
- mbFeeType | String (2) | Optional | - | Merchant Balance Fee Type | |
Parameter | Deskripsi | Contoh |
count | Total Cart Data Count | 1 |
item | | |
- img_url | Goods Image URL (Image Size 50px*50px) | |
- goods_name | Goods Name | Merchant Goods |
- goods_detail | Goods Detail Description | Goods Type 001 |
- goods_amt | Goods Payment Amount | 100 |
- goods_quantity | Goods Quantity | 1 |
Nama Parameter BI | Tipe Parameter | Kebutuhan | Parameter NICEPAY | Deskripsi | Contoh |
responseCode | String (7) | Mandatory | responseCode | Error code to specify the error returned | 2004700 |
responseMessage | String (150) | Mandatory | responseMsg | Debug message to provide more information | Successful |
referenceNo | String (40) | Mandatory | tXid | NICEPAY Transaction ID or Identifier | IONPAYTEST08202106091121206416 |
partnerReferenceNo | String (40) | Mandatory | referenceNo | Transaction Identifier on Merchant side | ncpy20221017161458 |
qrContent | String (360) | Mandatory | qrContent | QR string in plain text | "000201010212265400161D.CO.SHOPEE.WWWO11893600918002024585002082024585052041234530 336054041.0058021D5911test6007Bandung61054016362200516-1- July 20-126304D0A9 |
qrUrl | String (360) | Mandatory | qrUrl | URL to download QR image, URL is valid for 5 minutes | https: // 4aRLCjAqjXYxIFavFxz0EPRX5C£G4nnzgEauyn1rL" |
additionalInfo | Object | Mandatory | - | "additionalinfo": { ... } | |
- goodsNm | String (200) | Mandatory | - | Goods Name | Merchant Goods 1 |
- billingNm | String (100) | Mandatory | - | Buyer Name | John Doe |
- validityPeriod | String (25) | Mandatory | paymentExpDt, paymentExpTm | Transaction date ISO-8601 | 2023-03-08T07:15:00+07:00 |
- mitraCd | String (4) | Mandatory | | QSHP | |
- msId | String (20) | Optional | | Merchant Seller ID | 123 |
- msFee | String (7) | Optional | | Merchant Seller Fee | 2000 |
- msFeeType | String (2) | Optional | | Merchant Seller Fee Type | 2 |
- mbFee | String (7) | Optional | | Merchant Balance Fee | 2000 |
- mbFeeType | String (2) | Optional | | Merchant Balance Fee Type | 2 |