Convenience Store (CVS)

CVS Payment Flow


The following is flow through Convenience Stores for Indomaret & Alfa Group.

CVS Payment Flow
CVS Payment Flow

Description of registration steps on CVS:

  1. The does .
  2. The sends data to .
  3. The registers via Registration with .
  4.  validates and generates number.
  5.  sends number that needs to be paid to .
  6. The sends number that needs to be paid to .
  7. The receives CVS number.
  8. The sends CVS number to CVS.
  9. CVS sends inquiry data to .
  10.  with inquiry request.
  11.  sends inquiry to CVS.
  12. The makes a .
  13. The proceeds with a at CVS.
  14. CVS with proof of .
  15. CVS sends proof to .
  16. CVS sends a to .
  17.  updated .
  18.  sends notifications to Merchants.
  19. The submits a check to .
  20.  accepts applications.
  21.  sends a response to .
  22. The receives final .
  23. The sends results of to .

See also

 CVS Feature to find out feature on .

 CVS Integration & Testing to find out how to perform and of .

 CVS Glossary to find out particular term used on .

 CVS FAQ if you want to find out frequently asked questions related to .