Merchant Back Office
Discount Event

Discount Event Enroll

Discount Event Enroll
Discount Event Enroll

This assists to creates and manages discount event. This divides into 2 s; Search Option and Discount Event List.

The Search Option is a form used to input search criteria of data. All fields on form are optional. can perform data searches to appear in Discount Event List or download data in Excel format.

The Discount Event List is a that displays data search results based on inputted criteria from Search Option . Data from this will appear after confirms data searching by pressing Search .

Discount Event Enroll

Discount Event - Discount Event Enroll
Discount Event - Discount Event Enroll

The Search Option contains search form used to search all created event data. The form consists of:




List of registered in 

Default: Total -> all 

Event Date Time

Transaction time in date and hour format

Default: today's date and 24 hour time interval


Button to keywords entered by to search for data

Data search results will be displayed on Search Result 


Button to keywords entered by for file to be ed

The file format will be ed in Excel format

New Event

Button to displays create new event form

The form will appear on pop-up format

The Discount Event List displays list of discount events compatible to terms from Search Option . That list consists of detail of every created event.


Search Discount Event Enroll Data

Here’s guidance for searching discount event enroll data.

  1. Open sidebar.
  2.  Discount Event .
  3.  Discount Event Enroll .
  4.  search term in Search Option .
  5.  Search to perform data searching .
  6. The searched data will appear in Search Result .

Download Discount Event Enroll Data

Here’s guidance for ing discount event enroll data.

  1. Open sidebar.
  2.  Discount Event .
  3.  Discount Event Enroll .
  4.  search term in Search Option .
  5.  Excel to data in Excel format.
  6. The searched data will automatically.

Create New Event

Discount Event Enroll - New
Discount Event Enroll - New

Here's guidance to open a pop-up for creating new discount event data.

  1. Open sidebar.
  2.  Discount Event .
  3.  Discount Event Enroll .
  4.  search term in Search Option .
  5.  New Event to create a new event.
  6. Fill out form on shown pop-up.
    • In Event Detail of Exception Date , event time can add more than once by pressing Add .
    • In Discount Event Rule , discount term can add more than once by pressing Add .
  7.  Save to save. Otherwise, press Cancel to cancel new Discount Event creation.

See also

 Card Event History to find out how to view card data history during an occur event.

 Discount Event Transaction to find out how to check total during occur event.