Payment - API GPN
on method used by to receive from all -own cards with logo.
GPN aims to activate on s. This step uses to integrate with .
API Endpoint | /nicepay/direct/v2/payment |
Request Method | POST |
Description | Performs Transaction Regist to |
Merchant Token | SHA256(timeStamp+iMid+referenceNo+amt+merchantKey) |
Request Format | application/json |
The following is a list of s for perform for . This used through platform as one of step so able to connect with .
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Example/Notes |
timeStamp Required | N | 14 | Request Timestamp (YYYYMMDDHH24MISS) | 20201202110197 |
tXid Required | AN | 30 | Transaction ID | IONPAYTEST01201804191202084760 |
cardNo Required | N | 20 | Number | 4222222222222222 |
cardExpYymm Required | A | 4 | Card Expiry (YYMM) | 2406 |
cardCvv Required | N | 4 | Card CVV | 123 |
cardHolderNm Required | A | 50 | Card Holder Name | Thomas Alfa Edison |
merchantToken Required | AN | 255 | Token | f9d30f6c972e2b5718751bd087b178534673a91bbac845f8a24e60e8e4abbbc5 |
callBackUrl Required | ANS | 255 | Result URL | |
After occurs, You will receive a from us compatible with Callback URL You input on request on Payment - API GPN.
When Your callback already received callbackUrl, we recommended to do verification using Status Inquiry - API GPN.
Callback Handling is very important to minimize Fraud act, we highly recommend to do verification using CallBack Handling.