Direct Debit - V1 Enterprise
offers as . This method allows to use channel from various s. Real time Notification will be sent when completed .
- CIMB Clicks
- Jenius Pay
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Example / Notes |
iMid Required | AN | 10 | IONPAYTEST | |
payMethod Required | N | 2 | 04 | |
currency Required | A | 3 | Currency | IDR |
amt Required | N | 12 | Goods Amount | 15000 |
referenceNo Required | ANS | 40 | ordNo123124 | |
goodsNm Required | AN | 100 | Goods Name | Test Goods |
billingNm Required | A | A | Billing Name | John Doe |
billingPhone Required | N | 15 | Billing Phone Number | 081249195 |
billingEmail Required | ANS | 40 | Billing E-mail | |
billingCity Required | A | 50 | Billing City | Jakarta |
billingState Required | A | 50 | Billing State | DKI Jakarta |
billingPostCd Required | N | 10 | Billing Post Number | 14350 |
billingCountry Required | A | 10 | Billing Country | |
callBackUrl Required | ANS | 255 | | |
dbProcessUrl Required | ANS | 255 | | |
description Required | AN | 100 | Description | test item |
merchantToken Required | AN | 255 | 6cfccfc0046773c1b589d8e 98f8b596c284f3c70a4ecf8 6eba14c18944b74bcd | |
userIP Required | ANS | 15 | | |
cartData Required | JSON OBJECT | 4000 | Cart Data (JSON Format) | {} |
mitraCd Required | A | 4 | Mitra Code | JENC |
clickPayNo Required | N | 16 | ClickPay Card Number | |
dataField3 Required | N | 16 | | |
clickPayToken Required | N | 6 | Response Token | |
billingAddr | AN | 255 | Billing Address | Jln Cendrawasih |
deliveryNm | A | 30 | Delivery Name | John Doe |
deliveryPhone | N | 15 | Delivery Phone | 08125912342 |
deliveryAddr | AN | 100 | Delivery Address | Jln Merak |
deliveryEmail | ANS | 100 | Delivery E-mail | |
deliveryCity | A | 50 | Delivery City | Jakarta |
deliveryState | A | 50 | Delivery State | DKI Jakarta |
deliveryPostCd | A | 10 | Delivery Post Code | 14350 |
deliveryCountry | A | 10 | Delivery Country | |
vat | N | 12 | Vat | 0 |
fee | N | 12 | Service Tax | 0 |
notaxAmt | N | 12 | Tax Free Amount | 0 |
reqDt | N | 8 | Request Date (YYYYMMDD) | 20160301 |
reqTm | N | 6 | Request Time (HH24MISS) | 135959 |
reqDomain | ANS | 100 | Request Domain | |
reqServerIP | ANS | 15 | Request Server IP | |
reqClientVer | ANS | 50 | Request Client Version | 1.0 |
userSessionID | AN | 100 | User Session ID | userSessionID |
userAgent | ANS | 100 | User Agent | Mozilla |
userLanguage | ANS | 2 | User Language | en-US |
cashtag Required for Jenius | AN | 100 | cashtagId (with $) | $johndoe |
Note for Jenius, please use iMid : TNICECP041 and PayMethod: 04 then request to Staging for developmental purposes.
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Example / Notes |
resultCd | N | 4 | Result Code | 0000 |
resultMsg | AN | 255 | SUCCESS | |
tXid | AN | 30 | Transaction ID | TESTIDTEST04201803011131521855 |
referenceNo | ANS | 40 | 99997 | |
payMethod | N | 2 | 04 | |
amount | N | 12 | 10000 | |
transDt | N | 8 | Transaction Date (YYYYMMDD) | 20180301 |
transTm | N | 6 | Transction Time (HH24MISS) | 113152 |
description | ANS | 100 | Transaction Description | |
callbackUrl | ANS | 100 | Callback URL | |
currency | A | 3 | Currency | IDR |
goodsNm | AN | 100 | Goods Name | Test Transaction Nicepay |
billingNm | N | 30 | Buyer Name | |
mitraCd | A | 4 | Mitra Code | MDRC |