QRIS - V1 Enterprise
provides a new in from cooperation with ShopeePay. By using this method, will have option to make via (ShopeePay, OVO, GoPay, and DANA). Real-Time Notification will be sent when has completed .
- request Registration to .
- display QR code and How-To-Pay Details to .
- will scan QR Code, then do authentication for .
- will check , then send Notification.
API Endpoint | /nicepay/api/onePass.do |
Request Method application/x-www-form-urlencoded | POST |
Description | |
Merchant Token | SHA256(iMid+referenceNo+amt+merchantKey) |
Payment Method | 08 |
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Example Value |
iMid Required | AN | 10 | ID | IONPAYTEST |
payMethod Required | N | 2 | 08 | |
currency Required | A | 3 | Currency | IDR |
amt Required | N | 12 | Goods Amount | 15000 |
referenceNo Required | ANS | 40 | Order Number | ordNo123124 |
goodsNm Required | AN | 100 | Goods Name | Test Goods |
billingNm Required | A | A | Billing Name | John Doe |
billingPhone Required | N | 15 | Billing Phone Number | 081249195 |
billingEmail Required | ANS | 40 | Billing E-Mail | |
billingCity Required | A | 50 | Billing City | Jakarta |
billingState Required | A | 50 | Billing State | DKI Jakarta |
billingPostCd Required | N | 10 | Billing Post Number | 14350 |
billingCountry Required | A | 10 | Billing Country | |
callBackUrl Required | ANS | 255 | Result URL | https://merchant.com/callBackUrl |
dbProcessUrl Required | ANS | 255 | Notif URL | https://merchant.com/dbProcessUrl |
description Required | AN | 100 | Description | test item |
merchantToken Required | AN | 255 | Token | 6cfccfc0046773c1b589d8e 98f8b596c284f3c70a4ecf8 6eba14c18944b74bcd |
userIP Required | ANS | 15 | User IP () | |
cartData Required | JSON OBJECT | 4000 | Cart Data (JSON Format) | {} |
mitraCd Required | A | 4 | Mitra Code | QSHP |
shopId Required | AN | 32 | Shop ID | |
billingAddr | AN | 255 | Billing Address | Jln Cendrawasih |
deliveryNm | A | 30 | Delivery Name | John Doe |
deliveryPhone | N | 15 | Delivery Phone | 08125912342 |
deliveryAddr | AN | 100 | Delivery Address | Jln Merak |
deliveryEmail | ANS | 100 | Delivery E-Mail | |
deliveryCity | A | 50 | Delivery City | Jakarta |
deliveryState | A | 50 | Delivery State | DKI Jakarta |
deliveryPostCd | A | 10 | Delivery Post Code | 14350 |
deliveryCountry | A | 10 | Delivery Country | |
vat | N | 12 | | 0 |
fee | N | 12 | Service Tax | 0 |
notaxAmt | N | 12 | Tax Free Amount | 0 |
reqDt | N | 8 | Request Date (YYYYMMDD) | 20160301 |
reqTm | N | 6 | Request Time (HH24MISS) | 135959 |
reqDomain | ANS | 100 | Request Domain | merchant.com |
reqServerIP | ANS | 15 | Request Server IP | |
reqClientVer | ANS | 50 | Request Client Version | 1.0 |
userSessionID | AN | 100 | User Session ID | userSessionID |
userAgent | ANS | 100 | User Agent | Mozilla |
userLanguage | ANS | 2 | User Language | en-US |
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Example / Notes |
resultCd | N | 4 | Result Code | 0000 |
resultMsg | AN | 255 | SUCCESS | |
tXid | AN | 30 | Transaction ID | IONPAYTEST08202104011206088687 |
referenceNo | ANS | 40 | Reference Number | ORDER2909 |
payMethod | N | 2 | 08 | |
amount | N | 12 | Amount | 1000 |
transDt | N | 8 | Transaction Date (YYYYMMDD) | 20210401 |
transTm | N | 6 | Transaction Time (HH24MISS) | 120609 |
description | ANS | 100 | Transaction Description | null |
callbackUrl | ANS | 100 | Callback URL | https://merchant.com/api/callBackUrl |
paymentExDt | N | 6 | QR Expired Date (YYYYMMDD) | 20210401 |
paymentExpTm | N | 6 | QR Expired Time (HH24MISS) | 121109 |
currency | A | 3 | Currency | IDR |
goodsNm | AN | 100 | Goods Name | Goods 1 |
billingNm | N | 30 | Buyer Name | John Doe |
qrContent | ANS | 360 | QR String in Plain Text | 00020101021226580016ID.CO.SHOPEE.WWW01189360091800000169110205169110303UMI52041234530336054071000.005802ID5907NICEPAY6015KOTA JAKARTA PU61051234562360520082021040112060930000708T000000163041210 |
qrUrl | ANS | 360 | URL for QR Image, Valid for 5 minutes | https://api.uat.wallet.airpay.co.id/v3/merchant-host/qr/download?qr=9d0DmD3uqAVzLMNWz05b1ExK3GAX7yY07x3wg4OYKK |