SNAP Migration
As an online payment service provider, NICEPAY provides several payment method API with SNAP standardization. The API adjustment for several payment method with SNAP standard has been conducted gradually by NICEPAY.
In order to maintain security and convenience in transactions also following the advancement of the payment system in Indonesia, Merchants are obligated to begin the process of payment API integration into the API with SNAP standard according to the Bank Indonesia's instruction. Generally, the migration stages include: completing the document also other information needed and proceeding the integration process alongside NICEPAY team. Please visit the SNAP Migration Guidance for further information.
The following are the list of NICEPAY API with SNAP standard.
The following are NICEPAY API URL that should be requested through HTTP protocol to connect with NICEPAY.
Environment | Protocol | Base URL |
Development | https | |
Staging | https | |
Production | https | |
Please downloads the document needed to proceed with the SNAP migration on the attachment below.
Document Name | Description |
Statement Letter SNAP API - Bilingual | Statement of ability and commitment user in the implementation of SNAP. |
Lampiran API | This references is need to be filled by Merchant that have already using NICEPAY API services to ease the migration process. |
Dokumen Hasil Pengujian Developer Site SNAP | Document contains the test result for API on positive case and negative case gain from Developer Site SNAP. This document could be downloaded on Develoepr Site SNAP Portal after proceed the API testing. |

Description of the implementation steps for SNAP migration with NICEPAY:
- Merchant initiates the registration process on the Asosiasi Sistem Pembayaran Indonesia (ASPI) page.
- Merchant conducts testing of the application through the Asosiasi Sistem Pembayaran Indonesia (ASPI) page.
- Merchant downloads the testing application test result.
- After Merchant successfully download the testing application test result:
- Merchant sends the testing application test result to NICEPAY.
- NICEPAY receives the testing application test result.
- Before proceeding with the environment dev integration process:
- Merchant shares the public key environment development for the development environment integration process to NICEPAY.
- NICEPAY receives public key environment development.
- NICEPAY sends credentials such as client id and client secret to be used on development environment integration process to the Merchant.
- After NICEPAY sent credentials to the Merchant:
- Merchant proceeds the development phase.
- NICEPAY gives the Scenario Functional Test document after Merchant finishes the development phase.
- Merchant performs testing based on the guidance in the Scenario Functional Test document.
- Merchant submits the filled Scenario Functional Test document to NICEPAY.
- NICEPAY checks the results of the Scenario Functional Test and the testing application test document .
- After NICEPAY finish checking the document:
- If the document content need to be revised, NICEPAY will return the document to the Merchant.
- If the document content in accordance with the verification regulation, NICEPAY will submits the verification request to Asosiasi Sistem Pembayaran Indonesia (ASPI).