Virtual Account (VA)
VA Payment Guide

Bank BJB


Assure you transfer funds before expiry date and with correct amount.

Virtual Account Number






Recipient's Name


Order Number


Validity Period

16-06-2016 / 17:15:00

 Bank BJB Guide's JSON file format for your operation.


  1. Enter your ATM card and PIN.
  2.  a Transaksi Lainnya , then select Virtual Account.
  3.  Tabungan.
  4. Insert Nomor Virtual Account, eg 1887XXXXXXXXXXXX as Kode Bayar.
  5.  Lanjutkan.
  6. The screen will display Kode Bayar dan Data Pembayaran.
    • If bill type is open, must re-enter Jumlah Bayar.
  7.  Ya to make .
  8. Done.

Mobile Banking

  1. Login to your BJB Mobile App account.
  2.  a Virtual Account .
  3. Insert Nomor Virtual Account, eg 1887XXXXXXXXXXXX as Kode Bayar.
  4. The screen will display Kode Bayar dan Data Pembayaran.
    • If bill type is open, must re-enter Nominal to be paid.
  5. Enter your PIN, then click Lanjutkan to make .
  6. Done.


  1. Login to your BJB Net App account.
  2.  BJB Virtual Account .
  3. Insert Nomor Virtual Account, eg 1887XXXXXXXXXXXX as Kode Bayar.
  4. The screen will display Kode Bayar dan Data Pembayaran.
    • If bill type is open, must re-enter Nominal to be paid.
  5.  Lanjutkan to make a .
  6. Done.

Transfer Bank Non-BJB

This guidance applies to transfer methods other than BI-FAST.

  1. Customers can pay bills through an option from Other Channels (Teller, ATM, or Internet Banking).
  2.  Transfer Antar Bank .
  3. Insert code Bank BJB : 110.
  4. Insert Nomor Virtual Account, eg 1101887XXXXXXXXXXXX as Kode Bayar.
  5. The will display Identitas dari nomor Virtual Account.
    • If bill type is open, must re-enter Nominal to be paid.
  6. Done.

Transfer Antar Bank (Dompet Digital)

This guidance applies to transfer methods other than BI-FAST.

  1. On Digital Wallet Service, select Transfer to account .
  2. Insert Kode Bank dan Nomor Virtual Account.
  3. If bill type is open, must re-enter Nominal to be paid.
  4.  Lanjutkan to make a .
  5. Done.

Bank BJB (Teller)

  1. The brings number obtained from application/website/institution.
  2.  BJB tellers will enter number in BJB Fast Application and depending on type of determined by institution/biller.
    • Customers will pay bills by fix or open payment type.
  3. The receives proof of , and of bill at biller/institution will automatically change to paid.
  4. Done.

Updated 26 Mar 2024
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