Virtual Account (VA)
VA Payment Guide

Bank DKI

Bank DKI
Bank DKI

Assure you transfer funds before expiry date and with correct amount.

Virtual Account Number






Recipient's Name


Order Number


Validity Period

16-06-2016 / 17:15:00

 Bank DKI Guide's JSON file format for your operation.


  1. Enter your card.
  2. Enter main of DKI ATM.
  3.  Pembayaran .
  4.  Virtual Account .
  5. Enter Virtual Account code, eg. 995014XXXXXXXXXX as verification number.
  6. Enter code (optional).
  7. Verify data correctness.
    • If it is appropriate, press Benar. Conversely, if it does not match, press Salah .
  8. Receive receipts of transactions.

JakOne Mobile

  1. Enter main of JakOne Mobile Bank DKI.
  2.  Pembayaran .
  3.  Virtual Account .
  4. Enter Virtual Account code, eg. 995014XXXXXXXXXX as verification number.
  5. Enter PIN.
  6. Confirm bill of .
    • If it is appropriate, press Lanjut.
  7. Receive receipts of transactions.


  1. Enter main of EDC Bank DKI.
  2.  a Pembayaran VA .
  3.  Jenis Rekening.
  4. Enter Virtual Account code, eg. 995014XXXXXXXXXX as verification number.
  5. Enter PIN.
  6. Confirm bill of .
    • If it is appropriate, press Lanjut .
  7. Receive receipts of transactions.


  1. Enter main of MPOS Bank DKI.
  2.  a Pembayaran VA .
  3. Enter Virtual Account code, eg. 995014XXXXXXXXXX as verification number.
  4. Confirm bill of .
    • If it is appropriate, press Lanjut.
  5. Insert card.
  6. Enter PIN.
  7. Receive receipts of transactions.


User Maker

  1. Enter main of CMS Bank DKI.
  2.  Pembayaran Tagihan .
  3. Enter Virtual Account code, eg. 995014XXXXXXXXXX as verification number.

User Approval

  1. Enter main of User Approval.
  2.  Tugas Tertunda .
  3. Check list of Tugas Tertunda.
    • If data is correct, select Menyetujui. Conversely, if data does not match, select Tolak.
  4. Bill confirmation.


Cash Payment

  1. Prepare cash.
  2. Inform Tagihan Virtual Account No Kode Verifikasi VA = 995014...
  3. Inform Tagihan Virtual Account code, eg. 995014XXXXXXXXXX as verification number.
  4. Receive proof of transactions.

Debit Account Payment

  1. Prepare an ATM card/passbook and identity card.
  2. Inform Tagihan Virtual Account code, eg. 995014XXXXXXXXXX as verification number to Tellers.
  3. The Teller will swipe your ATM card to EDC machine.
  4. Enter PIN.
  5. Receive receipts of transactions.

Updated 26 Mar 2024
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