Virtual Account (VA)
VA Payment Guide
Bank Mandiri

Bank Mandiri
Make sure you transfer funds before expiry date and with correct amount.
Virtual Account Number | 70014XXXXXXXXXXX | 88049XXXXXXXXXXX |
Bank | Mandiri |
Nominal | Rp10,000 |
Recipient's Name | billingNm |
Order Number | Invoice-1234 |
Validity Period | 16-06-2016 / 17:15:00 |
Bank Mandiri Guide's JSON file format for your operation.
- Enter your ATM card and PIN.
- Bayar/Beli .
- Multi Payment.
- code biller 70014.
- Insert Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- Benar.
- If data is correct, screen will display Kode Bayar and Data Pembayaran, then press 1.
- Ya to make .
- Done.
- Enter your ATM card and PIN.
- Transfer Antar Bank Online .
- Code Mandiri: 008 or select Bank Mandiri from list.
- Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- transfer Nominal.
- If data is correct, screen will display Kode Bayar dan Data Pembayaran, then input 1.
- Ya to make .
- Done.
- Access New Livin by Mandiri application.
- Bayar .
- E-Commerce.
- Find a Transferpay provider.
- Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- Lanjut.
- If data is correct, screen will display Kode Bayar dan Data Pembayaran.
- MPIN New Livin.
- Done.
This guidance applies to transfer methods other than BI-FAST.
- Customers perform transfers from Non-Mandiri Banks (Internet Banking, Branch Offices, or the 's Check/BG Facility).
- Transfer using slips Setoran Kliring/RTGS or Internet Banking Bank Lain with following :
- Destination Bank Mandiri.
- Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- Fill Nama.
- Done.
- nearest Mandiri branch office, then ask for guidance from Mandiri officers regarding making Transferpay payments (70014).
- The needs to fill out form with following :
- type Transferpay.
- Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- Fill in Nama.
- Choose between methods uang tunai atau Cek Mandiri.
- Submit slip and inform Teller for Mandiri Virtual Account Transferpay payments with code 70014.
- Teller will inform Kode Bayar and Data Pembayaran.
- Save proof of provided by Teller.
- Done.
- The User must be registered as a MIB/MCM User.
- Access Mandiri MIB/MCM website.
- Bill .
- Bill Payment for single , while Bill Payment Upload for bulk payments in upload format.
- a account.
- New Entry.
- Institusi Kategori Service or biller code 88049 TransferPay.
- Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 88049XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- Lanjutkan.
- The screen will display Data Pembayar.
- If appropriate, select Continue to Submit until is sent to approval.
- Enter as approval, then do approval as usual.
- Save and print results as valid proof of .
- Done.
- Enter your ATM card and PIN.
- Bayar/Beli .
- Multi Payment.
- code biller 88049.
- Nomor Virtual Account , eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- Benar.
- Nominal.
- Benar.
- If data is correct, screen will display Kode Bayar dan Data Pembayaran , then input 1.
- Ya to make .
- Done.
- Enter your ATM card and PIN.
- Transfer Antar Bank Online .
- code Mandiri 008 or select Bank Mandiri from list.
- Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- transfer Nominal.
- If data is correct, screen will display Kode Bayar dan Data Pembayaran, then click 1.
- Ya to make .
- Done.
- Open New Livin by Mandiri application.
- Bayar .
- E-Commerce.
- Find a NICEPAY provider.
- Nomor Virtual Account, eg 70014XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- Nominal.
- Lanjut.
- If data is correct, screen will display Kode Bayar dan Data Pembayaran.
- MPIN New Livin.
- Done.
This guidance applies to transfer methods other than BI-FAST.
- Customers perform transfers from Non-Mandiri Banks (Internet Banking, Branch Offices or the 's Check/BG Facility).
- Transfer using a Setoran Kliring/RTGS Deposit slip or Other Internet Banking with following :
- Destination Bank Mandiri.
- Fill account number with Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- Fill Nama.
- Done.
- nearest Mandiri branch office, then ask for guidance from Mandiri officers regarding making NICEPAY payments (77014).
- The needs to fill out form with following :
- type NICEPAY.
- Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- Fill Nama.
- Choose methods between uang tunai atau Cek Mandiri.
- Submit slip and inform Teller for Mandiri Virtual Account NICEPAY payments with code 70014.
- Teller will inform Kode Bayar and Data Pembayaran.
- Save proof of provided by Teller.
- Done.
- The User must register as a MIB/MCM User.
- Access Mandiri MIB/MCM website.
- Bill :
- Bill Payment for a single , while Bill Payment Upload for bulk payments in upload format.
- a account.
- New Entry.
- Service Category Institution or search for biller code 88049 NICEPAY.
- Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 88049XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- Nominal.
- Lanjutkan.
- The screen will be display Data Pembayar.
- If it's right, select Continue to Submit until is sent to approval.
- Enter as approval, then do approval as usual.
- Save and print results as a valid proof of .
- Done.