Virtual Account (VA)
VA Payment Guide

Bank Mandiri

Bank Mandiri
Bank Mandiri

Make sure you transfer funds before expiry date and with correct amount.

Virtual Account Number






Recipient's Name


Order Number


Validity Period

16-06-2016 / 17:15:00

 Bank Mandiri Guide's JSON file format for your operation.

Close Amount Transfer Through TRANSFERPAY

ATM Mandiri

  1. Enter your ATM card and PIN.
  2.  Bayar/Beli .
  3.  Multi Payment.
  4.  code biller 70014.
  5. Insert Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXXX as code.
  6.  Benar.
  7. If data is correct, screen will display Kode Bayar and Data Pembayaran, then press 1.
  8.  Ya to make .
  9. Done.

ATM Non-Mandiri

  1. Enter your ATM card and PIN.
  2.  Transfer Antar Bank Online .
  3.  Code Mandiri: 008 or select Bank Mandiri from list.
  4.  Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
  5.  transfer Nominal.
  6. If data is correct, screen will display Kode Bayar dan Data Pembayaran, then input 1.
  7.  Ya to make .
  8. Done.

New Livin by Mandiri

  1. Access New Livin by Mandiri application.
  2.  Bayar .
  3.  E-Commerce.
  4. Find a Transferpay provider.
  5.  Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXXX as code.
  6.  Lanjut.
  7. If data is correct, screen will display Kode Bayar dan Data Pembayaran.
  8.  MPIN New Livin.
  9. Done.

Transfer Bank Non-Mandiri

This guidance applies to transfer methods other than BI-FAST.

  1. Customers perform transfers from Non-Mandiri Banks (Internet Banking, Branch Offices, or the 's Check/BG Facility).
  2. Transfer using slips Setoran Kliring/RTGS or Internet Banking Bank Lain with following :
    •  Destination Bank Mandiri.
    •  Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
    • Fill Nama.
  3. Done.

Mandiri Branch Office

  1.  nearest Mandiri branch office, then ask for guidance from Mandiri officers regarding making Transferpay payments (70014).
  2. The needs to fill out form with following :
    •  type Transferpay.
    •  Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
    • Fill in Nama.
    • Choose between methods uang tunai atau Cek Mandiri.
  3. Submit slip and inform Teller for Mandiri Virtual Account Transferpay payments with code 70014.
  4. Teller will inform Kode Bayar and Data Pembayaran.
  5. Save proof of provided by Teller.
  6. Done.

Mandiri Internet Banking (MIB) or Mandiri Cash Management (MCM)

  1. The User must be registered as a MIB/MCM User.
  2. Access Mandiri MIB/MCM website.
  3.  Bill .
    •  Bill Payment for single , while Bill Payment Upload for bulk payments in upload format.
  4.  a account.
  5.  New Entry.
  6.  Institusi Kategori Service or biller code 88049 TransferPay.
  7.  Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 88049XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
  8.  Lanjutkan.
  9. The screen will display Data Pembayar.
    • If appropriate, select Continue to Submit until is sent to approval.
  10. Enter as approval, then do approval as usual.
  11. Save and print results as valid proof of .
  12. Done.

Open Amount Transfer Melalui NICEPAY


  1. Enter your ATM card and PIN.
  2.  Bayar/Beli .
  3.  Multi Payment.
  4.  code biller 88049.
  5.  Nomor Virtual Account , eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
  6.  Benar.
  7.  Nominal.
  8.  Benar.
  9. If data is correct, screen will display Kode Bayar dan Data Pembayaran , then input 1.
  10.  Ya to make .
  11. Done.

ATM Non-Mandiri

  1. Enter your ATM card and PIN.
  2.  Transfer Antar Bank Online .
  3.  code Mandiri 008 or select Bank Mandiri from list.
  4.  Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
  5.  transfer Nominal.
  6. If data is correct, screen will display Kode Bayar dan Data Pembayaran, then click 1.
  7.  Ya to make .
  8. Done.

New Livin by Mandiri

  1. Open New Livin by Mandiri application.
  2.  Bayar .
  3.  E-Commerce.
  4. Find a NICEPAY provider.
  5.  Nomor Virtual Account, eg 70014XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
  6.  Nominal.
  7.  Lanjut.
  8. If data is correct, screen will display Kode Bayar dan Data Pembayaran.
  9.  MPIN New Livin.
  10. Done.

Transfer Non-Mandiri Banks

This guidance applies to transfer methods other than BI-FAST.

  1. Customers perform transfers from Non-Mandiri Banks (Internet Banking, Branch Offices or the 's Check/BG Facility).
  2. Transfer using a Setoran Kliring/RTGS Deposit slip or Other Internet Banking with following :
    •  Destination Bank Mandiri.
    • Fill account number with Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
    • Fill Nama.
  3. Done.

Mandiri Branch Office

  1.  nearest Mandiri branch office, then ask for guidance from Mandiri officers regarding making NICEPAY payments (77014).
  2. The needs to fill out form with following :
    •  type NICEPAY.
    •  Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 70014XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
    • Fill Nama.
    • Choose methods between uang tunai atau Cek Mandiri.
  3. Submit slip and inform Teller for Mandiri Virtual Account NICEPAY payments with code 70014.
  4. Teller will inform Kode Bayar and Data Pembayaran.
  5. Save proof of provided by Teller.
  6. Done.

Mandiri Internet Banking (MIB) or Mandiri Cash Management (MCM)

  1. The User must register as a MIB/MCM User.
  2. Access Mandiri MIB/MCM website.
  3.  Bill :
    •  Bill Payment for a single , while Bill Payment Upload for bulk payments in upload format.
  4.  a account.
  5.  New Entry.
  6.  Service Category Institution or search for biller code 88049 NICEPAY.
  7.  Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 88049XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
  8.  Nominal.
  9.  Lanjutkan.
  10. The screen will be display Data Pembayar.
    • If it's right, select Continue to Submit until is sent to approval.
  11. Enter as approval, then do approval as usual.
  12. Save and print results as a valid proof of .
  13. Done.

Updated 26 Mar 2024
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