Virtual Account (VA)
VA Payment Guide
Bank BNI

Bank BNI
Assure you transfer funds before expiry date and with correct amount.
Virtual Account Number | 88480XXXXXXXXXXX |
Bank | BNI |
Nominal | Rp10,000 |
Recipient's Name | billingNm |
Order Number | Invoice-1234 |
Validity Period | 16-06-2016 / 17:15:00 |
Bank BNI Guide's JSON file format for your operation.
- your ATM card and PIN.
- Bahasa you want to use.
- your ATM PIN.
- Menu Lainnya.
- Transfer.
- Jenis Rekening that you will use (example: From a Savings Account).
- Virtual Account Billing.
- Insert Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 88480XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- Bills to be paid will appear on confirmation screen.
- If bill is appropriate, please continue .
- Your has been completed.
- Access BNI Mobile Banking from your phone.
- user ID and password into application.
- Transfer .
- Virtual Account Billing.
- Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 88480XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- Bills to be paid will appear on confirmation screen.
- If bill is appropriate, please continue .
- Your has been completed.
- Access website
- user ID and password into application.
- Transfer .
- Virtual Account Billing.
- Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 88480XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- Lanjut.
- Bills to be paid will appear on confirmation screen.
- If bill is appropriate, please continue .
- Kode Otentikasi Token.
- Your has been completed.
- Open SMS Banking BNI application.
- Transfer .
- Transfer rekening BNI .
- Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 88480XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- Nominal transfer as billed .
- A different nominal cannot continue the payment process.
- Proses, then choose Setuju.
- Reply to SMS by entering PIN as directed.
- The was successful.
This can also use by using SMS format.
TRF[SPASI]NomorVA[SPASI]NOMINAL then send it to 3346.
eg: TRF 123456789012XXXX 44000
- Insert card into ATM Bersama machine.
- Transaksi Lainnya.
- Transfer .
- Transfer ke Bank Lain.
- Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 88480XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- Nominal transfer as billed.
- A different nominal cannot continue the payment process
- Confirmation of details will appear in background.
- If it is appropriate after checking, please select Ya to continue .
- Transaction success.
This guidance applies to transfer methods other than BI-FAST.
- Transfer antar Bank or Transfer online antar Bank.
- Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 88480XXXXXXXXXXX .
- Nominal transfer as billed.
- A different nominal cannot continue the payment process
- jumlah pembayaran (eg. 44000).
- Confirmation of details will appear in background.
- If it is appropriate after checking, please select Ya to continue .
- Transaction success.
- Open OVO application on your phone.
- Transfer .
- Rekening Bank.
- Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 88480XXXXXXXXXXX as code.
- Nominal transfer as billed.
- Transfer.
- Confirmation of details will appear in background.
- If it is correct after checking, please select Konfirmasi to continue .
- Transaction success.
Updated 26 Mar 2024
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