Virtual Account (VA)
VA Payment Guide

Bank Maybank

Maybank Bank
Maybank Bank

Assure you transfer funds before the expiry date and with the correct amount.

Virtual Account Number






Recipient's Name


Order Number


Validity Period

16-06-2016 / 17:15:00

Please download the Bank Maybank Payment Guide's JSON file format for your system operation.

ATM Maybank (Transfer Menu)

  1. Enter your ATM PIN.
  2. Select the Transfer menu.
  3. Select the Virtual Account menu.
  4. Input Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 78000XXXXXXXXXXX as payment code.
  5. Select Benar.
  6. Select Ya.
  7. Done.

ATM Maybank (Payment Menu)

  1. Enter your ATM PIN.
  2. Select Pembayaran/Top Up Pulsa menu.
  3. Select the Virtual Account menu.
  4. Input Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 78000XXXXXXXXXXX as payment code.
  5. Select Benar.
  6. Select Ya.
  7. Save your proof of transaction.
  8. Done.

ATM Non-Maybank

  1. Enter your ATM PIN.
  2. Select Transaksi Lainnya menu.
  3. Select Ke Rek Bank Lain menu.
  4. Input Maybank Bank code (016).
  5. Select Benar.
  6. Input Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 78000XXXXXXXXXXX as payment code.
  7. Select Benar.
  8. Enter the payment amount according to the bill on the confirmation page.
  9. Select Benar to approve the transaction.
  10. Save your proof of transaction.
  11. Done.

SMS Banking

  1. Click App Maybank SMS+ Banking.
  2. Enter the Passcode (optional).
  3. Select Connection Media: SMS, USSD Atau Data (lihat indikator koneksi pada pojok kanan atas).
  4. Click Transfer icon on the main menu.
  5. Select Virtual Account.
  6. Input the source account (USSD on the connection media is not required) in the available field.
  7. Input the amount to be paid in the available column.
  8. Input Ref Number/Details on the available column.
  9. Input Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 78000XXXXXXXXXXX as payment code.
  10. Click the Kirim button.
  11. Enter the PIN sent via SMS.
  12. Transaction completed.

Internet Banking

  1. Access Internet Banking.
  2. Select Rekening dan Transaksi.
  3. Select Maybank Virtual Account.
  4. Select Sumber Tabungan.
  5. Input Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 78000XXXXXXXXXXX as payment code.
  6. Input Nominal, eg. 10,000.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. Input SMS Token.
  9. Proof of payment display on the screen.
  10. Transaction completed.

Internet or Non-Maybank Mobile Banking

This payment guidance applies to transfer methods other than BI-FAST.

  1. Access your Internet Banking application.
  2. Enter your ID and Password.
  3. Select Transaksi Antarbank menu.
  4. Input Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 78000XXXXXXXXXXX as payment code.
  5. Assure your billing details are correct, then select OK or Lanjut.
  6. Enter your PIN transaction.
  7. Transaction completed.

Website M2U

  1. Access the M2U Application by entering the User ID and the Password.
  2. Select Rekening dan Transaksi.
  3. Select Transfer.
  4. Select Maybank Virtual Account.
  5. Input Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 78000XXXXXXXXXXX as payment code.
  6. Click Lanjut.
  7. Click Request SMS Token/TAC.
  8. Enter SMS Token/TAC.
  9. Click Setuju.
  10. Transaction completed.

M2U Application

  1. Access the M2U Application using the Fingerprint or enter the Password.
  2. Select Transfer.
  3. Select Virtual Account.
  4. Select Sumber Tabungan.
  5. Enter Nomor Virtual Account, eg. 78000XXXXXXXXXXX as payment code.
  6. Click Lanjut.
  7. Enter the transfer amount.
  8. Click Proses.
  9. Click Konfirmasi & Minta TAC.
  10. Enter SMS Token/TAC.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Transaction completed.

Updated 26 Mar 2024
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