Payment - API Checkout
When you successfully registers request on Registration - API Checkout, you will get response in form of paymentURL. To displays on Front-End's side, you are required to does paymentURL mapping at first with an additional s on URL, which is ?tXid= and completed by txid obtained in Registration - API Checkout response.
Consider following example:
When Page is already appropriate, then your requested is ready to be paid by . You only needed to display link or embedded link on your website.
For with ShopeePay and OVO, we suggest your open through their mobile phone devices.
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Remark |
paymentURL Required | ANS | 14 | URL | |
tXid Required | AN | 30 | Transaction ID | IONPAYTEST00202203211640309389 |
After is successfully done by your , a related to , either successful or failed, will be sent automatically to your through inputted callbackURL and dbProcessURL s during request through Registration - API Checkout.
visit Notification - API Checkout for more detailed regarding dbProcessURL.
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Remark |
resultCd | N | 4 | Result Code | 0000 |
resultMsg | AN | 255 | Result Message: Error Code | SUCCESS |
tXid | AN | 30 | Transaction ID | IONPAYTEST01202212141112221428 When success |
referenceNo | ANS | 40 | Order Number | (empty) When success |
payMethod E-Wallet, Payloan | N | 2 | 01 When success | |
amt | N | 12 | Transaction Amount | 10000 When success |
currency E-Wallet, Payloan | A | 3 | Currency | IDR When success |
payNo CVS | N | 20 | Number | |
goodsNm E-Wallet, Payloan | AN | 100 | Goods Name | Testing Transaction When success |
billingNm E-Wallet, Payloan | A | 100 | Billing Name | John Doe When success |
transDt | N | 8 | Transaction Date (YYYYMMDD) | 20221212 When success |
transTm | N | 6 | Transaction Time (HH24MISS) | 121212 When success |
description | AN | 100 | Transaction Description | Testing Transaction When success |
authNo Only CC (Additional) | N | 10 | Approval Number | 080623 When success |
issuBankCd Only CC | A | 4 | OTHR When success | |
acquBankCd Only CC | A | 4 | BMRI When success
| |
cardNo Only CC | ANS | 20 | Card Number with Masking | 453211*****1111 When success |
timestamp | N | 14 | Request Timestamp | 20221212121212 When Success |
merchantToken CC | AN | 255 | Token | 2035d2295d9578fffb40137186f0203474142ae3e57992d4847826c5fcaffce6 When Success |
cardExpYymm CC | N | 4 | Card Expiration (YYMM) | 2712 When Success |
instmntMon CC | N | 2 | Installment Month 1: 1 Month/Full Payment, if instmntType: null/1 3: 3 Months 6: 6 Months 12: 12 Months | 1 When Success |
instmntType CC | N | 2 | 1 When Success | |
ccTransType CC | AN | 2 | 1 When Success | |
recurringToken Only CC (Additional) | AN | 255 | Recurring Token | |
vat CC | N | 12 | Value Added Tax () |
fee CC | N | 12 | Service Fee |
notaxAmt CC | N | 12 | Tax Fee Amount |
mitraCd Direct Debit, E-Wallet, Payloan | A | 4 | | |
bankVacctNo VA | N | 20 | VA Number | |
Response will be sent through callBackurl with Content-type: application/json and method: POST Parameter.
- The tXid won't be same as request hold. The capture will make sure that amount value being captured doesn't exceed funds owned.
- When Callback received to your callbackUrl, we strongly recommend to verify Status using Status Inquiry - API Checkout.
- CallBack Handling is very helpful to minimalize Fraud actions, we strongly recommend to verify callBack Handling.