Payloan - API Checkout
This uses by s to requests to for using .
Description of procedures with :
- The requests to .
- The sends Registration to .
- In Registration :
- If using Akulaku:
- will request to Akulaku as .
- Akulaku generates .
- Akulaku sends data response to .
- will send capture of Regist response to .
- If using Kredivo/Indodana:
- will save Order Regist.
- will send Order Regist response.
- The sends to .
- Then in :
- If using Akulaku:
- will redirect to Akulaku .
- The login to account.
- The confirms to Akulaku as .
- Akulaku validates .
- Akulaku redirects using callbackUrl.
- If using Kredivo/Indodana:
- requests to .
- s with .
- sends response and redirects to .
- The confirms to .
- sends OTP to .
- The inputs OTP to .
- validates OTP.
- confirms result to .
- In Notification :
- If using Akulaku:
- Akulaku as sends push capture to .
- saves .
- sends capture of update to .
- The displays response to .
- If using Kredivo/Indodana:
- sends push to .
- validates received .
- requests confirmation.
- confirms .
- sends confirmation data to .
- sends confirmation result.
- If used is Akulaku, can confirms receipt.
- The sends receipt confirmation to .
- The requests receipt confirmation to .
- requests of receipt confirmation to Akulaku.
- Akulaku s receipt confirmation .
- Akulaku sends data response to .
- sends data response to .
- The displays data results to .
- The sends request for checking by using Status to .
- sends response of checking to .
- The receives final .
- The sends confirmation to .
The image above is a sample with method using Secure Page.
After of registration request completes, you can continue until settlement by following guidelines in Payloan Payment Guide.
API URL | /nicepay/redirect/v2/payment |
Request Method | Redirect-GET |
Header | Content-Type: application/Form-UrlEncoded |
The following are Request Parameter lists for on .
Note for , please give a warning message for to open by mobile devices for better user experience.
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Remark |
paymentURL Required | ANS | 14 | URL | |
tXid Required | AN | 30 | Transaction ID | PAYLOANTES00202212201645434449 |
Note: Response will be sent through callbackUrl with Content-type: application/json and method: POST Parameter.
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Example / Remark |
resultCd | N | 4 | 0000 | |
resultMsg | AN | 255 | Result Message: Error Code | SUCCESS |
tXid | AN | 30 | Transaction ID | PAYLOANTES00202212201645434449 When Success |
referenceNo | ANS | 40 | Order Number | ORD20221220161200 When Success |
payMethod E-Wallet, Payloan | N | 2 | 06 When Success | |
amt | N | 12 | Transaction Amount | 10000 When Success |
currency E-Wallet, Payloan | A | 3 | Currency | IDR When Success |
goodsNm E-Wallet, Payloan | AN | 100 | Goods Name | John+Doe When Success |
billingNm E-Wallet, Payloan | A | 100 | Billing Name | John+Doe When Success |
transDt | N | 8 | Transaction Date (YYYYMMDD) | 20221220 When Success |
transTm | N | 6 | Transaction Time (HH24MISS) | 164543 When Success |
description | AN | 100 | Transaction Description | Test+Transaction+Nicepay When Success |
authNo Only CC | N | 10 | Approval Number | When Success |
issuBankCd Only CC | A | 4 | When Success | |
acquBankCd Only CC | A | 4 | When Success | |
issuBankNm | A | 255 | Issuing Name | When Success |
acquBankNm | A | 255 | Acquiring Name | When Success |
cardNo Only CC | ANS | 20 | Card Number with Masking | When Success |
recurringToken Only CC (Additional) | AN | 255 | Recurring Token | When Success |
preauthToken | AN | 255 | Pre-Auth Token | null When Success |
ccTransType | AN | 2 | Transaction Type: 1: Normal 2: Recurring 3: Pre-Auth 4: Capture | When Success |
mitraCd Direct Debit, E-Wallet, Payloan | A | 4 | KDVI When Success | |
receiptCode | ANS | 20 | Authorization Number | When Success |
mRefNo | AN | 18 | Reference Number | When Success |
cardExpYymm | N | 4 | Card Expiry (YYMM) | When Success |
instmntType | N | 2 | When Success | |
instmntMon | N | 2 | Installment Month 1: 1 Month/Full , if instmntType: null/1 3: 3 Months 6: 6 Months 12: 12 Months | When Success |
timeStamp | N | 14 | Request Timestamp | When Success |
merchantToken | AN | 255 | Token | When Success |
On in , theresponse from request that get hit is Callback URL.
When Your callback already received callbackUrl, we recommended to do verification using Status Inquiry - API Checkout.
CallBack Handling is very important to minimize Fraud act, we highly recommend to do verification using callBack parameter.