QRIS - API Checkout
Steps description:
Before making an calls for Transaction Payment, execute Transaction Registration first.
After choosing method, QR code will appear on next . The can scan code directly by following QRIS Payment Guide or download image firsthand through Download QR Image .
API url | /nicepay/redirect/v2/payment |
Request Method | Redirect-GET |
Header | Content-Type: application/Form-UrlEncoded |
Parameter | Tipe | Ukuran | Deskripsi | Contoh / Catatan |
paymentURL Required | URL | 14 | ||
tXid Required | AN | 30 | Transaction ID | IONPAYTEST00202103191252519205 |
Parameter | Tipe | Ukuran | Deskripsi | Contoh / Catatan |
resultCd | N | 4 | Result Code | 0000 |
resultMsg | AN | 255 | Result Message: Error Code | Success |
tXid | AN | 30 | TESTTEST0300202008070951284276 When success | |
referenceNo | ANS | 40 | Order Number | ord20200807090809 When success |
amount | N | 12 | Transaction Amount | 1000 When success |
transDt | N | 8 | Registration Date (YYYYMMDD) | 20200808 When success |
transTm | N | 6 | Registration Time (HH24MISS) | 120000 When success |
description | AN | 100 | Transaction Description | This is Testing Transaction When success |
authNo | N | 10 | Approval Number | 1234567890 When success – Only CC (Additional) |
recurringToken | AN | 255 | Recurring Token | 5b949971aea6d468bebef20fec7b067abde88e52a4520925cd28dfa840ce5abc When success – Only CC (Additional) |
cardNo | ANS | 20 | Card Number with Masking | 420192**2327 When success – Only CC |
acquBankCd | A | - | BMRI When success – Only CC | |
issuBankCd | A | - | OTHR When success – Only CC | |
vat | N | 12 | 0 When success , CC | |
fee | N | 12 | Service Fee | 0 When success , CC |
notaxAmt | N | 12 | Tax Free Amount | 0 When success , CC |
bankCd | A | 4 | Bank Code | BMRI |
mitraCd | A | 4 | Mitra Code | |
bankVacctNo | N | 20 | VA Number | 447770956314286 When success – VA |
payNo | N | 20 | 9041071059504308 When success – CVS | |
currency | A | 3 | Currency | |
goodsNm | AN | 100 | Goods name | |
billingNm | A | 100 | Billing Name | |
payMethod | N | 2 |
When Your callback already received callbackUrl, we recommended to do verification using Status Inquiry - API Checkout.