Recurring - Registration API Credit Card
Recurring type is a type option using to perform periodic s for a bill with same amount as bill amount from initial .
used on registration stage is similar to for registering Full & Installment type, however, there are several differences on sent request.
Learn about feature with Recurring Credit Card Feature.
API URL | /nicepay/direct/v2/registration |
Request Method | POST |
Description | Recurring |
Merchant Token | SHA256(timeStamp+iMid+referenceNo+amt+merchantKey) |
Request Format | application/json |
visit Credit Card to learn common related to .
This following is a list of s to do recurring for .
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Example / Notes |
timeStamp Required | N | 14 | Request Timestamp (YYYYMMDDHH24MISS) | 20221202141217 |
iMid Required | AN | 10 | ID | IONPAYTEST |
payMethod Required | N | 2 | 01 (Credit Card) | |
currency Required | A | 3 | Currency | IDR |
amt Required | N | 12 | Amount (number not in float format) | 10000 (Sum amount total goods from cartData) |
referenceNo Required | ANS | 40 | 's Reference Number | ordNo20221202141217 |
goodsNm Required | AN | 100 | Goods Name | Testing Transaction |
billingNm Required | A | 100 | Buyer Name | John Doe |
billingPhone Required | N | 15 | Buyer Phone Number | 2112345678 |
billingEmail Required | ANS | 40 | Buyer E-mail | |
billingAddr Required | AN | 100 | Buyer Address | Jln. Raya Kasablanka Kav.88 |
billingCity Required | A | 50 | Buyer City | South Jakarta |
billingState Required | A | 50 | Billing State | DKI Jakarta |
billingPostCd Required | N | 10 | Billing Post Number | 14350 |
billingCountry Required | A | 10 | Billing Country | |
cartData Required | JSONstring | 4000 | Cart Data | {} |
instmntType Required | N | 2 | 1 (For PreAuth & Recurring default 1) | |
instmntMon Required | N | 2 | Installment Month 1: 1 Month/Full , ifinstmntType: null/1 | 1 (For PreAuth & Recurring default 1) |
recurrOpt Required | N | 2 | 0: Automatic Cancel 1: Do not cancel 2: Do not make token | 2 |
dbProcessUrl Required | ANS | 255 | Notification URL | |
userIP Required for CC, E-Wallet, Payloan, QRIS | AN | 15 | User IP | |
merchantToken Required | AN | 255 | Token | c91e6531f6c84869439bc5ebe5389bd71e7752c054fc9dbfe193d087a1b797ae |
description | AN | 100 | Transaction Description | Test Transaction |
userSessionID | AN | 100 | User Session ID | userSessionID |
userAgent | ANS | 100 | User Agent | Mozilla |
userLanguage | A | 2 | User Language | en-US |
Following is response from request result for recurring on .
Parameter | Type | Size | Description | Example / Notes |
resultCd | N | 4 | Result Code | 0000 |
resultMsg | AN | 255 | Result Message: Error Code | SUCCESS |
tXid | AN | 30 | Transaction ID | IONPAYTEST01202212151029182023 |
referenceNo | ANS | 40 | Reference Number | ordNo20221215101254 |
payMethod | N | 2 | 01 | |
amt | N | 12 | Amount | 10000 |
transDt | N | 8 | Transaction Date (YYYYMMDD) | 20221212 |
transTm | N | 6 | Transction Time (HH24MISS) | 121212 |
description | AN | 100 | Transaction Description | Testing Transaction |
bankCd | A | 4 | Bank Code | null |
vacctNo | N | 20 | | null |
mitraCd | A | 4 | Mitra Code | null |
payNo | N | 12 | CVS Number | null |
currency | A | 3 | Currency | IDR |
goodsNm | AN | 100 | Goods Name | Goods For Testing Transaction |
billingNm | A | 100 | Buyer Name | John Doe |
vacctValidDt | N | 8 | VA Expiry Date (YYYYMMDD) | null |
vacctValidTm | N | 6 | VA Expiry Time (HH24MISS) | null |
payValidDt | N | 8 | Expiry Date (YYYYMMDD) | null |
payValidTm | N | 6 | Expiry Time (HH24MISS) | null |
requestURL | ANS | 360 | Request URL | null |
paymentExpDt | N | 6 | QR Expiry Date (YYYYMMDD) | null |
paymentExpTm | N | 6 | QR Expiry Time (HH24MISS) | null |
qrContent | ANS | 360 | QR String in Plain Text | null |
qrUrl | ANS | 360 | URL for QR Image, Valid for 5 minutes | null |