Merchant Back Office

FAQ Merchant Back Office


How to download the file on the Settlement > Settlement Report menu?

 follow guidance through following link Guidance to Download Settlement Report Data on Settlement Report Menu

How to download file(s) on MMS?

In several , there is an Excel to reports into a file in Excel format. The following is a guidance list to files on the .

MMS Menu


Transaction > Transaction Data

Transaction > Preauth Data

Transaction > Noti History

Transaction > Card Event History

Transaction > Fail Transaction

Transaction > Beneficiary Account

Transaction > Payout Balance

Discount Event > Discount Event Enroll

Discount Event > Discount Event Transaction

Settlement > Settlement Report

Settlement > Reconcile

Settlement > Pending Settlement

Settlement > Disbursement Report

Settlement > Seller Settlement

Service > Email Payment

Service > SMS History Log

Service > SMS Top Up

Service > Transaction Limit


What is the difference between Excel and Excel(Details) button?

If these two s are available in an , Excel contains all data summary. Meanwhile, Excel(Details) contains all data summary along with detailed data of each .

How to read a file in the Settlement > Settlement Report menu?

 visit MMS - Settlement Report File for further .

Could the information from the Settlement > Calendar menu be downloaded into a file format?

Yes, file can be ed through Print in PDF format.

Report File

What is the calculation formula for NICEPAY service fee?

The service fee formula is sum from Fee + Installment Fee + FDS Fee + Tax ().

What is the difference of the transaction on From NICEPAY and From Bank/Mitra part?

The on From NICEPAY part and From / part different from type.

  • If type is , then detail using MA schema so is on From part.
  • If type is , then detail using PG schema so is on From / part.

On Excel(Detail) File part detail for each transaction specific for Payloan payment method, what is the difference of nominal negative and positive on Settlement Amount column?

  • If nominal on Amount is negative on refund , then that nominal is nominal that will be refund.
  • If nominal on Amount is positive on deposit , then that nominal is nominal that will be billed to or deduct from other .

When the nominal on Set Off column will be filled?

The Set Off column will be filled if proceed with deposit fund on .

How to ask for the assistance to check the transaction for the specific date?

There are several method to contact our Customer Service, but the method we suggest is by sending e-mail to our Customer Service team: NICEPAY Customer Service will place Your request directly in the queue and respond within 1x24 hours. Our Customer Service operate every day, Monday-Sunday from 00:00-24:00 WIB include national holiday. We also provide direct handling by phone at the following numbers: 021-28542410.